Anyone who has ever watched Joe Biden has probably had at least some concern that he’s not all there. It’s a scary proposition to have a sitting president whose mental health is questioned by a majority of the voters, but alas, that’s the situation we’re in.

According to a new survey by McLaughlin & Associates, Americans not only want Biden to take a cognitive test, but sadly, there’s very little confidence in the competence of the leaders further down the line of succession.

“58% of the voters think that President Biden should take a cognitive health test and release it,” John McLaughlin says. “This includes 37% of 2020 Biden voters and 37% of Democrats.”

Americans, however, are divided on whether Biden or Kamala Harris is more incompetent. According to the poll, 15% say it’s Biden, 11% say Harris, and 35% say neither. “This means six in 10 voters view either our president, the vice president, or both as incompetent,” explains McLaughlin.

“The immediate chain of succession does not get any better with the third in line to be President. Even more voters, 61%, want Speaker Pelosi to take a cognitive health test and make it public.”

So, let’s boil this all down: most Americans think the top three leaders in the nation are either in poor cognitive health or just plain incompetent.

Pray for our country.

Source: PJ Media

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