On Thursday, as part of the White House’s “Transgender Day of Visibility,” “Jeopardy!” champion Amy Schneider, who was born a biological male and was later trumpeted as the most successful woman to have competed on the show, claimed some of the laws being passed and considered in conservative states “will cause the deaths of children.”

Complimented by an apparent White House aide, “You’re wearing your Easter pink. It’s looking good; we’re coordinated,” Schneider attacked legislation in conservative states that deal with transgender issues, claiming, “They’re really scary. Some of them, in particular, are denying medical services to trans youth. Those are life-saving medical treatments. These bills will cause the deaths of children, and that’s really sad to me, and it’s really frightening.”

Schneider was asked if there were any plans to do any “activism or lobbying against these efforts at the state level,” Schneider answered, “Not at the moment. I am trying to figure out where that sort of advocacy and activism fits into my life. Everything’s changed in the last few months and I’m still playing it by ear; I would like to do more of it, but for right now I’m just not sure what the right and effective way to do that would be.”

Asked, “What are you hoping your visit to the White House accomplishes today?” Schneider responded, “I think just the same thing that I’ve been accomplishing, which is, just, again, being a trans personality out there that isn’t monstrous and isn’t threatening and is just a normal person like we all are. So the more that people like me can be seen, the harder it is to sustain the myths that are kind of driving this hate and fear.”

“What’s your message to students living in those states?” a reporter queried.

“Hang in there,” Schneider intoned. “I think that this backlash right now is temporary. I think that the country overall is on our side, and getting more so every day, and I think it’s not gonna be too long before these sorts of bills are seen as a thing of the past.”

In December, Schneider who became the highest-earning contestant who identifies as female ever after winning for the 18th consecutive time beating out the former record-setter, Larissa Kelly. Kelly congratulated Schneider after the historic moment was announced, NBC News reported:

“Well, it was fun to hold a Jeopardy record for a few years…but it’s been even more fun to watch @Jeopardamy set new standards for excellence, on the show and off. Congratulations to Amy on becoming the woman with the highest overall earnings in the show’s history!” she wrote.

Schneider responded, “Thanks so much, I’m honored to be in your company, and I look forward to some day watching the woman who beats us both!”

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Source: Dailywire

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