Ukrainian Ambassador to the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya unloaded on his Russian counterpart during Tuesday’s session, accusing the Russian occupation forces in Ukraine of “enjoying acting like Nazis.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the international body on Tuesday as well, sharing video and images from Ukraine that showed the destruction and civilian casualties who had allegedly been brutalized and left behind as Russian forces retreated from the area surrounding the capital city of Kyiv.

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya claimed that there were “flagrant inconsistencies in events shown by Ukrainian and Western media,” saying that the bodies in the images were staged and that corpses visible in satellite imagery did not “match” those that appeared in the photos.

Nebenzya went on to concede that Russian troops had moved more slowly than initially planned, but he claimed that was only because they were taking great pains to avoid civilian casualties.

Kyslytsya quickly pointed to Nebenzya’s remarks from just a day earlier, when he reportedly dismissed reports of civilian deaths, saying that such things happened during times of war.

Kyslytsya went on to call out his Russian counterpart, accusing him of hypocrisy and of lying to the international community.

“I would like to make my further statement in response to the hypocritical questions by Putin’s representative,” Kyslytsya continued. “After the video we saw with the shocking images from Bucha, Irpin … and other sites, He should ask these very questions to himself.”

“How have Russians got to the cruelty of Nazis? When have you started enjoying acting like Nazis, killing civilians, attempting to redraw internationally recognized borders, setting the task to finally resolve the Ukrainian issue, like Hitler attempted to resolve the Jewish issue?” he asked.

Kyslytsya has not shied away from attacking his Russian counterpart in recent weeks, accusing the Russian Federation of attempting to “cosplay the Nazi Third Reich” as The Daily Wire has reported:

“Over these weeks, the international community has wrestled with the question, why? Why has the Russian Federation decided to cosplay the Nazi Third Reich by attacking the peaceful neighboring state and plunging the region into war? What are the reasons and what is the plan?” Kyslytsya asked.

He then deepened the comparison to the Nazi regime by suggesting that the Russians intended to kill Ukrainian children specifically, noting that civilians had been targeted on numerous occasions and claiming that Russian occupation forces also intentionally targeted children.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly claimed that he only sent troops into Ukraine in order to liberate the civilian population and to “denazify” the country.

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Source: Dailywire

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