WASHINGTON — Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy tore into authorities Wednesday following news that D.C. officials do not plan to conduct autopsies of the premie-sized baby bodies that were allegedly intercepted at an abortion clinic.

“Last week, I was horrified and disgusted at the images of five unborn children who appeared to be aborted illegally in our nation’s capital,” Roy said in a statement to The Daily Wire. “That disgust has only grown with the new images of more than 100 other children — all at various stages of development, none of whom were given even a chance.”

Roy referred to the box filled with dismembered fetal remains that members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) told The Daily Wire they intercepted on its way to Curtis Bay Medical Waste Center. PAAU says the box contained 110 mostly pulverized babies who were aborted in their first trimester, as well as five babies killed through late-term abortions.

Live Action photographed these five babies and shared photos of them on social media. Pro-life medical professionals and experts who examined photographs of the babies estimated that they were in the end of the 2nd trimester or in the 3rd trimester when they were aborted. (Warning: Posts contain graphic and disturbing images.)

“Make no mistake, the images are disturbing and chilling to the soul – to who we are as human beings, but we should not look away,” Roy said. “They reveal the uncomfortable truth of abortion. These are human beings — our fellow Americans.”

“These children were murdered by abortion,” he continued. “Some of them, it appears, were killed outside the already too-permissive bounds of the law. Unfortunately, we know that nothing will be done.”

“Abortion is legal up until birth in our nation’s capital and the District government’s pro-abortion stance is well-known,” Roy told The Daily Wire.

D.C. police have not only said that the babies were aborted legally but also indicated that the potentially criminal part of the incident is how the aborted baby bodies were obtained.

The nation’s capital does not have any specific law that bans abortion at any point, effectively allowing abortions through nine months of pregnancy.

“Unsurprisingly, D.C. has already announced that it would not perform autopsies to see if any of the children in question were murdered outside of the womb — a violation of The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act,” Roy emphasized.

“These children’s voices were silenced before they could speak, but their memory cries out for justice,” he said. “The DOJ should investigate this immediately, and when Republicans take back Congress, we must reassert Congress’s constitutional power over Washington D.C. to protect human life.”

“May God have mercy on this nation,” he added.

Pro-life activists believe Dr. Cesare Santangelo, the sole abortionist practicing at Washington Surgi Clinic, has been allowing living babies to die in his clinic after botched abortions.

PAAU told The Daily Wire that they believe he is violating the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, which prohibits physicians from performing partial-birth abortions except when the mother’s life is in danger.

In November 2012, an undercover pro-life activist working for Live Action recorded Santangelo discussing how he would allow babies to die if they were accidentally delivered during abortions.

Washington Surgi Clinic has repeatedly refused to discuss the babies with The Daily Wire. The clinic finally referred The Daily Wire on Tuesday to The National Abortion Federation, which has not responded to multiple requests for comment.

The Metropolitan Police Department would not comment on Santangelo or his past comments to The Daily Wire, citing “the ongoing nature of this investigation.”

The D.C. Medical Examiner referred The Daily Wire to Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office. The mayor’s office has not responded to many requests for comment.

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Source: Dailywire

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