Democrat President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and brother, James Biden, had scores of transactions involving global business that were allegedly flagged as concerning by U.S. banks, according to a new report.

“CBS News has learned that more than 150 transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden’s global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review,” CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge said. “Some of those concerns included large wire transfers.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told CBS News that he believes that Biden’s brother was a key part of Hunter Biden’s business ventures inside communist China, saying, “I think James Biden was very much a part of this.”

“This week, Grassley released bank records indicating James Biden’s company, The Lion Hall Group was paid directly by a Chinese finance consulting firm,” Herridge said. “In our interview, Grassley did not allege the Bidens broke the law, but he said it’s concerning that both Hunter and James Biden were promised retainers for their China work totaling $165,000 a month in 2017, after Joe Biden left the vice presidency.”

“We have people with the Biden name, dealing with Chinese business people that have a relationship to the Communist Party,” Grassley said. “I think it’s very concerning.”

“This 2019 subpoena verified by CBS News shows federal investigators also sought Hunter and James Biden’s business records from a major U.S. Bank dating back to 2014 as part of a separate probe by the U.S. Attorney in Delaware into possible violations of tax and foreign lobbying laws,” Herridge added.

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This is a developing news story; refresh the page for updates.

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Source: Dailywire

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