What a weekend! The spring sun is shining, the beer is cold, and the commies have taken a handful of black eyes this week. Hallelujah!

Everyone talks about the coming war between the patriots and the bolshies, so as we get into the specifics of the past week, let’s do it in a series of American rebellion-style headlines:

FBI Beclowned in Battle of Grand Rapids

The FBI’s attempt to send four white, right-wing Michigan “extremists” to prison for the rest of their lives ended in two acquittals and two mistrials.

The FBI got clown-slapped Friday when a Grand Rapids jury saw through its attempt to entrap four men in a ridiculous scheme to kidnap Michigan’s pinko princess, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI employed at least 12 undercover agents and informers in a plot to entrap the four men. (That means 75% of the “gang” was working for the feds). The plot was suspiciously timed to drop just prior to the 2020 elections. The DOJ considered this to be a major “domestic terrorism campaign” — the department apparently forgot that black supremacist Darryl Brooks mowed down over 60 white people in a Waukesha Christmas parade last December, killing six, after being released on a measly $1,000 bail for running over his girlfriend one month prior.

Wisconsin Patriots Rout Pinko Devils from Occupied Towns

Speaking of Waukesha, voters last Tuesday sent a message loud and clear: “Commies go home!” Three Republicans — one incumbent and two newcomers — won all three spots on the Waukesha School Board. Two incumbent libs were sent packing.

Republican-backed Judge Maria Lazar spanked incumbent Judge Lori Kornblum for a seat on the Court of Appeals for District II.

Kenosha followed the same playbook. They voted two new Republicans onto their school board and elected another as county executive.

You likely remember Kenosha as the town where Kyle Rittenhouse exercised his Second Amendment rights — and an AR-15 — to protect himself from anarchists by perforating three who were attacking him. Two of the miscreants died on the streets they burned and the third, Gaige Grosskreutz, survived but left behind a piece of his arm for the birds of Kenosha to pick at.

Republicans also picked up school board seats in Menomonee Falls, where three women, calling themselves “Moms on a MIssion,” all won. Republicans also won in Wausau, but lost in Eau Claire, Beloit, and La Crosse.

UPRISING! BLM Fights Oppression with a Shadowy Mansion Deal on Western Coast

News has broken that BLM bigwig Dyane Pascall bought a mansion for $3.1 million and sold it six days later to a shell company for $5.8 million. Somehow, the property’s value magically skyrocketed in less than a week. Sounds like a move from the Obama-Rezko playbook to me.

BLM has gone full-shade recently. No one seems to know where their headquarters is located or where the $90 million they received in donations has gone. How much longer can wealthy BLM elites play the race victim card before they are seen for what they really are — a sham and a scam? The walls are closing in.

Patriot Acquitted, Avoids the Tyrant’s Prison Camp

January 6 protestor Matthew Martin was acquitted of all misdemeanor charges involving entering the People’s House and taking seditious selfies when it became clear to wise U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden that Martin was waved in by Capitol Police.

Patriots have long known that Capitol police were letting the mostly peaceful Trump supporters into the Capitol. Look — here’s one holding the door for them, as three other Capitol cops look on:

Incidentally, the woman caped in the Trump flag is 69-year-old Lynn McNicoll. The FBI arrested her and held her on a $10,000 bond. … Yes, the same FBI who failed to entrap the four white, right-wing men (“white supremacists,” nod nod, wink wink) in a BS plot to kidnap “Stretchin” Gretchen Whitmer.

Georgia Chases Commie Scamps to the Outhouse

As our own Chris Queen reported this week, Georgia has had it with the commies and is coming down HARD upon them.

Georgia is fed up with all sorts of Marxist nonsense and has voted for a ton of American values, including the following:

  • constitutional carry
  • suspending gas tax to lower fuel prices
  • allowing the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to look into voter fraud
  • banning vaccine passports
  • allowing parents to decide on masks for their kids
  • banning CRT
  • keeping creepy boys out of girls’ sports

Oops, I almost forgot one:

In a more personal victory (and shameless plug), you can listen to me call out the commies every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. on 103.9 FM Suffolk County, N.Y., or online at LINEWSRADIO.COM.

The good guys have had a great week. MAGA, baby, MAGA!

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Source: PJ Media

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