An heir to the Disney fortune who is a biological woman identifying as a man and teaches high school biology and environmental science criticized the Florida Parental Rights In Education law for its policies, saying about students that identify as the opposite sex, “They can’t learn about their community and their history at school, or play sports or use the bathroom they want to use?” (Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for kids entertainment content.)

Speaking to The Los Angeles Times, Charlee Disney, whose father Roy P. Disney is the grandson of the company’s co-founder and who is the great-nephew to Walt Disney, said, “I had very few openly gay role models. … And I certainly didn’t have any trans or nonbinary role models. I didn’t see myself reflected in anyone, and that made me feel like there was something wrong with me.”

Charlee’s mother told The Los Angeles Times that she recalled Charlee at the age of two or three pulling her away from the girls’ shoe section, saying, “But mom, I’m a boy on the inside.”

The Times wrote, “LGBTQ kids, Charlee said, already have to deal with high rates of depression and anxiety, not to mention bullying and suicide. ‘Then to put something like this law on top of that? They can’t learn about their community and their history at school, or play sports or use the bathroom they want to use?’”

“In March, Charlee told the Human Rights Council of had announced a $250,000 matching grant to HRC at the group’s annual gala in Los Angeles in March. Later, said Sheri Disney, the family decided to double the amount,” The Times noted.

On March 31, Florida GOP governor Ron DeSantis addressed the idea that a 55-year-old state law permitting Disney to effectively govern itself at Walt Disney World should be abolished. He stated:

Someone said, “Hey, Disney has all these special perks, should you retaliate against them for them coming out and demagoguing this bill? I don’t believe you ‘retaliate’ but I think what I would say as a matter of first principle, I don’t support special privileges in law just because a company is powerful and they’ve been able to wield a lot of power.”

“And we saw this last year when I did the Big Tech censorship legislation to give Floridians the ability to sue Big Tech if they’re deplatformed or censored based on ideological reasons,” he noted. “Now that’s being litigated, we’re going to have an argument in the 11th Circuit next month; I think we’re going to win on a lot of the key provisions of that, but that’s to be determined that’s going through.”

“At the 11th hour, when the legislature was doing this, Disney got them to put in a carve-out for theme parks for the Big-Tech bill,” he recalled. “And I’m thinking to myself, this is ridiculous. Honestly, it was embarrassing. But then I was in a situation: Do I throw out the baby with the bath water and veto the entire bill  once it got to my desk or do I sign it, register my disagreement with that particular— because it really didn’t affect the underlying structure — but that’s an example of something that should have never been in the law and that it would be totally appropriate to do it.”

“So I think what has happened is there’s a lot of these special privileges that are not justifiable but because Disney had held so much sway, they were able to sustain a lot of special treatment over the years,” he asserted. “Well, now I think, the way with their conduct, and look, you see some of these people on the videos they put out, some of these executives and what they’re saying, and you’re just like, ‘Are you kidding me?’ I mean, this is really, really crazy, some of the stuff that they’re doing.”

“So I think they’ve been dishonest about this, and I think what that’s done is, the Left is upset at them and now everyone else is upset at them, and so they’ve lost a lot of the pull that they used to have, and honestly, I think that’s a good thing for our state because the state should be governed by the best interests of the people,” DeSantis declared. “You should not have one organization that is able to dictate policy in all these different realms, and they have done that for many, many years. And if that stops now, which it should, that would be a good thing for Florida. And so I would say that any special privileges that are in law I would like to get rid of generally, but I think in this particular case with Disney, I just don’t think you have many very many people in the legislature anymore who are going to be able to defend a lot of what has been done over many, many years to really have them almost govern themselves in some of these things. That was probably never appropriate to start but it’s certainly not appropriate now at this point.”

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Source: Dailywire

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