A video that appears to show President Biden getting pooped on by a patriotic bird has become an instant hit. In less than a day, the clip has been shared over two million times on Twitter alone.

Before we get into the analysis, let’s take a moment to savor the source material:

Original PJ Media Report: WATCH: Patriotic Bird Poops on Biden, Speaks for Entire Nation

Biden was delivering a speech on Tuesday in Menlo, Iowa, announcing his magnanimous decision to allow ethanol-blend gasoline to be sold into the warmer months, so that we peasants might be able to afford to get to work and eat. Of course, with gas prices already towering due to Biden Collective anti-energy policies and with the highest inflation rate since 1981, the move will be a drop in the bucket of pain the administration has dished out to normal Americans.

But then, a miracle happened: as the nation grimaced through yet another Biden denial of responsibility for destroying the country, the heavens opened and a guano-licious verdict was visited upon the hapless president.

Although this resplendent lily is nearly impossible to gild, the memes are nonetheless popping. Here is my favorite so far:

Runner up:

Naturally, White House spokespeople and their interchangeable colleagues in the MSM, who hate laughter of any kind but especially the kind that’s directed at them, tried to dispute the obvious. A narrative was immediately launched that Biden’s impromptu lapel adornment was actually corn or something.

“If you guys knew your way around a corn silo at all, you’d know it was corn,” tweeted White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield.

Bloomberg White House correspondent Justin Sink backed her up, tweeting, “it was bits of corn flying around from the corn silo; the event was indoors.”

But the journos’ assertion that the event was being held in a corn silo was clearly inaccurate:

NBC News’ Gary Grumbach claimed the event was held in some sort of factory, in which wild clumps of “corn powder” wheeled through the air. “Nope – I was in the room. This is an active factory, and pipes full of corn powder filled the ceiling of this event space. Corn powder particles were dripping on all of us periodically throughout the event,” he tweeted.

In yet another take, Newsweek claimed the event was held in a barn. But silo, factory, or barn, anyone who lives outside of Eliteland knows that birds are regular residents of most large indoor spaces. Heck, anyone who’s ever been inside a Home Depot could tell you that.

So, did the corn spatter onto the president before or after it became bird food? The world may never know for sure.

Source: PJ Media

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