Democratic dark money groups are zeroing in on a Republican senator, attacking Wisconsins’s Ron Johnson through an ad narrated by a former Planned Parenthood worker heavily critical of pro-lifers and unvaccinated Americans.

“My husband and I work hard and we play by the rules,” narrates Sara Thielen in a 5-figure digital ad released April 21 by Opportunity Wisconsin. “We’re not looking for a hand out, we just expect a level playing field. But Senator Ron Johnson’s only taking care of himself and other rich people.”

“He pushed through a tax law that ends up raising taxes on most working people but gives huge tax breaks to the super rich like him,” Thielen claims in the ad, which is part of Opportunity Wisconsin’s multimillion dollar TV and digital advertising campaign against Johnson. “Sure enough, Ron Johnson has doubled his personal allowance since taking office. That’s not right. Tell Ron Johnson to stop voting for tax laws that benefit himself.”

Johnson campaign spokesman Jake Wilkins has previously pushed back against Opportunity Wisconsin’s accusations, calling the group a “poorly-built front for dark, liberal Democrat money.”

Opportunity Wisconsin describes itself as a “coalition of Wisconsin residents fighting for an economy that works for working people” and is registered under the 501c4, the North Fund.

The North Fund is a progressive D.C. based group under the umbrella of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a client of the sprawling, left-wing dark money mothership Arabella Advisors.

Similarly to Arabella and the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the North Fund acts as an umbrella for a variety of progressive advocacy groups, funneling millions into causes like packing the court, legalizing recreational marijuana, and promoting abortion.

Thielen, whom Opportunity Wisconsin describes as “an Eau Claire mother of two,” is an adjunct instructor in a health navigator program at Wisconsin’s Chippewa Valley Technical College, according to her Linkedin profile.

She formerly worked part-time at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin for over five years, first as a registered nurse from 2011 to 2016 where she “aided” the “clinician in examination and medical procedures” and “provided appropriate therapeutic services to manage patient needs,” among a variety of other tasks listed, according to her profile, and for several months in 2016, she worked for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin’s public affairs as a community organizer.

Thielen has repeatedly promoted social media content mocking pro-life activists, the unvaccinated, and Republicans, including retweeting an April 15 tweet comparing the murderous Nazi propaganda mastermind Joseph Goebbels to former President Donald Trump’s senior advisor Stephen Miller.

She also retweeted reporter Terrell Jermaine Starr’s March 29 tweet comparing Americans who support Trump to Russians who support Putin.

She’s also retweeted a tweet joking about Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother taking him to Ukraine and a tweet claiming that “pro-lifers sure love killing people.” 

Openly pro-abortion, Thielen has criticized Christians for voting for pro-life candidates like Trump based on abortion and accused pro-lifers of lying about the number of babies aborted daily, instead claiming the number of aborted babies “cannot be counted.”

“Outside a school in the Chippewa Valley is a sign that states, ‘2400 babies were aborted today’ and sprawled out on the grass around it are blue and pink flags,” she wrote in an October 2021 letter to the editor of the Leader Telegram. “The question that comes to mind is: How do they come to this number? This is a made-up number. The number of possible humans that would be born cannot be counted.”

Thielen wrote that she has two living children and miscarried two babies at seven weeks, noting that she does not “think of” her miscarriages “as babies,” before accusing pro-lifers of being hypocritical about the pandemic.

“It’s time to stop voting for politicians that call themselves ‘pro-life’ and start voting for leaders that care more about our living children,” she wrote. “Because people really are losing their babies from COVID.”

She’s also suggested that the government shouldn’t pay for the healthcare of Americans who are not vaccinated who contract COVID-19.

“Who pays the bill when an anti-vaxxer gets COVID,” she asked in another letter to the editor, emphasizing, “I don’t want to pay for that. I don’t want my tax dollars going toward the millions of tax dollars wasted on some infection that could have been prevented with a shot.”

This is not the first time Thielen has worked with Opportunity Wisconsin. In April 2020, she participated in a virtual roundtable hosted by Opportunity Wisconsin and the progressive group 9to5 to discuss COVID and “how the Trump administration’s economic policies haven’t worked for their families or communities.”

“People are one paycheck away from not having anything. We knew this was going to happen. This isn’t a shocker to anybody who works in health care. Nobody listened to us. As a health care worker the most frustrating thing is that nobody is listening to us,” said Thielen, identified by Opportunity Wisconsin at the time as a nurse from Eau Claire.

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Source: Dailywire

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