Rhode Island Democrats are pushing legislation that would teach children about “pleasure based sexual relations” with the support of left-wing groups.

The legislation, Senate Bill 2285, would amend current law so that culturally “appropriate” courses “in family life or sex education” are taught to children beginning in sixth grade, when students are about 11 or 12 years old.

“Teachings would recognize pleasure based sexual relations, different sexual orientations and be inclusive of same-sex relationship,” the legislation reads. “The act would also provide that instruction include gender, gender expression, gender identity, and the harm of negative gender stereotypes.”

Lawmakers are reportedly holding a Wednesday afternoon hearing on the bill, which has sparked strong backlash from parents.

“Any child under 18, we should not be talking about sexual pleasure. We shouldn’t be talking about some of these topics that they’re looking to roll into sexual education,” parent Kimberly Quagan told ABC6 in February. “I think it should be basically from a clinical standpoint that’s one thing, and I actually think anything they want to teach regarding this matter, the curriculum should be approved by parents.” 

Rhode Island State Sen. Tiara Mack, a Democrat representing Providence and one of the primary sponsors of the bill, has cited her Southern abstinence-only sex education as a reason for pushing SB 2285.

“There was no conversation about what it meant to be gay, of what a healthy relationship looked like,” the state senator, who is openly lesbian, told The Providence Journal. “Sex education is about learning about gender and gender roles, about what it’s like to grow up in a single-parent family. It’s about all the things I wish I had gotten. It’s about knowing I wasn’t alone.”

State Congresswoman Rebecca Kislack, who introduced the house version of the bill, would not define what “pleasure” meant in a February interview with ABC6 News.

“I think that one word in the legislation is not, should not be the focus here,” she said.

Neither Kislack nor Mack immediately responded to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.

Mack said in February that “teaching comprehensive, queer inclusive, pleasure based sex ed was a highlight of my time teaching.” The post led Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy to tweet at her, “Pervert. Not your job. You were hired by parents to teach Math, Science, Reading, Writing, History.”

The bill is supported by Planned Parenthood Votes of Rhode Island, which tweeted, “Rhode Island students deserve sex ed that’s accurate, affirming, and honest — but at many schools, they’re not getting it.”

According to the group, sex ed programs must address “gender identity and the harm of gender stereotypes,” “different sexual orientations and pleasure-based sexuality,” and “same sex relationships in lessons and examples.”

Planned Parenthood of New England did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.

SB 2285 is also supported by Sexual Health Includes Pleasure (SHIP), “a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing culturally inclusive, medically accurate, and pleasure guided sexuality education, therapy, and professional training to adults.”

SHIP offers a variety of worships and events including “Deconstructing Toxic Monogamy Culture and Building Intentional Relationships,” “What the Fetish?! An introduction to non-BDSM fetishes, media, and practices,” “Starting at the Beginning: Healthy Sexuality In Preschool Classrooms,” “What’s the Hole: Filling the Pleasure Gap,” and more.

Tax filings show that SHIP is led by Executive Director Alicia Gauvin. She did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.

Critics of the legislation warn that diving into “pleasure based sexual relations” will only promote sexual activity for children.

“Planned Parenthood wants Rhode Island kids to have Pleasurable Sex Education,” tweeted Nicole Solas, an education activist. “How much money will Planned Parenthood make w potential contracts w @RIDeptEd if the Pleasurable Sex Education bill is passed? I guess decades of lowering teen pregnancy rates wasn’t very profitable.”

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Source: Dailywire

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