The pro-choice group calling itself Ruth Sent Us is threatening to desecrate the eucharist — the thin wafer of bread that Catholics believe is the body and blood of Christ after being consecrated — by burning it in front of Catholic believers.

The radical pro-abortion group, named after the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, is calling for harassing Catholics. The move has forced some dioceses to involve the police in guaranteeing the security of Catholic parishioners.

“Stuff your rosaries and your weaponized prayer. We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries,” tweeted the organization, which has called on abortion supporters to protest at Catholic churches across the country over the Mother’s Day weekend.

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and St. Peter’s Church Catholic Church, both of which are on Capitol Hill, reportedly requested increased police presence amid fears that protesters will attempt to disrupt Sunday morning Mass.

I would hope that the Ruth Sent Us crazies would join the troglodytes who want to burn the Koran. There is no difference between burning the sacred eucharist and burning the Muslim holy book. Both are the most sacred symbols in their respective religions.

It’s comforting to know that the pro-abortion crazies are good old-fashioned haters.

Meanwhile, radical pro-abortion activists interrupted a monthly pro-life rally in front of a Manhattan Planned Parenthood clinic. The clinic is next to St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Manhattan, and the spectacle gave us a taste of what was to come.

Chanting “Thank God for Abortion” and screaming obscenities, the activists presented a wild, insane counterpoint to the anti-abortion activists praying quietly on the steps of the church.

(This video contains coarse, vulgar, obscene language and sacrilegious portrayals. You’ve been warned)

Another church in Colorado was defaced with a pro-abortion slogan.

National Review:

Vandals attacked a church in Boulder, Colo., earlier this week, spray painting pro-abortion messages on the building’s exterior and smashing its windows.

The graffiti on the church included, “My body my choice” and, “You don’t speak 4 God,” CBS 4 reported. Messages in support of universal healthcare were also spray-painted onto sculptures.

The damage to Sacred Heart of Mary Church will cost thousands of dollars to repair, the Catholic church and the Archdiocese in Denver told the outlet.

Our fearless leader cowers in the White Housem, and by his silence, enables the violence.

Wall Street Journal:

Remarkably, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has declined to criticize the Ruth Sent Us intimidation tactics. “I think the president’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document,” she rationalized.

Ms. Psaki also declined to criticize the leak of the draft opinion, though it clearly harms the reputation of the Court. What happened to President Biden’s concern for declining public trust in government institutions.

The decision isn’t expected until June or July.

Source: PJ Media

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