Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters unloaded on a local reporter over a hit piece claiming that he was in favor of banning the use of contraception.

“Hey @DillonReedRose you are a hack. This piece wildly misrepresents my views, which was your goal. Time for a thread about journalistic ethics & the way reporters shamelessly attack anyone to the right of AOC,” Masters began.

“Let’s be clear about this: you didn’t ask for comment. Not really. You wrote to the wrong email address for my campaign manager despite knowing her correct email (so we wouldn’t see it in time), and then published your hit piece 90 minutes later. You weasel,” Masters continued, sharing a screenshot of the email requesting comment.

“Had you gone about this ethically — had you written to our real email address more than an hour before publishing — I would have said (and let’s see if you update your story and quote me): I am pro-life. And of course I don’t think contraceptives should be outlawed,” Masters continued.

He went on to note that his issue with Griswold had nothing to do with allowing the use of contraception — but with the way in which the court went about ensuring that right.

“In Griswold, the justices wholesale *made up a constitutional right* to achieve a political outcome. I am opposed to judges making law. It’s the job of the legislative branch to create laws, not the courts. This is separation of powers 101,” he said.

Masters turned back to address the reporter again, adding, “Either this ‘reporter’ does not understand how our legal system works (and so cannot separate the outcome of a case from the legal reasoning behind a decision) or he’s a fake news journalist with an axe to grind. My money’s on both, actually!”

Masters went on to argue that the reason for the dishonest reporting could be rooted in the fact that unlimited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy is less popular than the left would like — and the response was a media willing to resort to “baselessly smearing Republicans, and calling it ‘fact checking.’”

“They did this to President Trump, they did it to Justice Kavanaugh, they will do it to random cake bakers, they did it to Tucker last week, they’re doing it to me as a candidate, and you’re up next,” Masters continued, concluding, “This is why no one trusts the media anymore. We need Republicans who won’t run scared when the corrupt media establishment tries to intimidate them. That’s why I’m running for US Senate, because the time for kowtowing to these people is over. We will fight and we will win.”

At the time of publication, the article in question had not been updated to include Masters’ comments.

Source: Dailywire

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