Univision Anchor Luis Carlos Vélez let President Joe Biden have it during Tuesday evening’s broadcast of “Linea De Fuego” (“Firing Line”), criticizing the White House for blaming everyone but themselves for the record-breaking inflation rates affecting Americans in their everyday lives.

Vélez also accused Biden of using his Tuesday address on inflation to level political attacks against Republicans while not presenting any real solutions.

“And the last word, President Biden. Please. Stop the blame game and face the inflation problem in this country. People just can’t take it anymore! Your words today just flabbergasted us all, OK?” Vélez began.

“They weren’t just a washing of the hands in the face of a very difficult price situation, but were also a shameless opportunity to attack Republicans,” he continued. “Solving this, Mr. President, does not correspond to your opponents. It does not correspond to the Federal Reserve, it does not correspond to business. It corresponds to you.”

“You got yourself elected,” Vélez argued. “You should lead, in order to provide solutions and persuade along with those whom you must govern.”

Vélez went on to note that inflation was at a 40-year high, adding, “It’s time to blame the moon, the stars, the sun. Clearly,” Vélez continued sarcastically. “The worst part of COVID was two years ago, and we were already recovering economically when you arrived. It was the administration’s fault for handing out stimulus packages when people no longer needed them. And it is your fault that to this day we have not set in motion a plant solve the supply chain problem.”

“How much longer, Mr. President?” Vélez asked. “People don’t eat off of politics. People eat off of wages, jobs, and opportunities. The responsibility to do something falls solely upon you, Mr. President.”

Fox News anchor Dana Perino offered a similar take on Biden’s Tuesday remarks, saying that he had made a big deal about promising solutions for gaining control of the record inflation levels and the still-climbing gas prices — which hit a new record high just hours before he addressed the nation — and then had failed to deliver any new information to the American people.

“You have lost the confidence of the people that are turning to you hoping that you provide them some relief. They know it’s not coming,” she said.

Source: Dailywire

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