“Today, we mark a tragic milestone,” Joe Biden announced on Thursday. “One million American lives lost to COVID-19. One million empty chairs around the dinner table. Each an irreplaceable loss. Each leaving behind a family, a community, and a Nation forever changed because of this pandemic.”

While Biden is trying to project sympathy, this milestone is a tragic reminder that Joe Biden repeatedly promised that if elected he would “shut down the virus.”

Last July, Biden gave a speech celebrating our “independence from COVID-19.” But then cases surged due to the delta and omicron variants, and new cases reached pandemic highs on his watch. Despite inheriting two vaccines approved for emergency use and a third soon after, Biden quickly proved to have no plan whatsoever to “shut down the virus.”

By late December 2021, more Americans had died from COVID under Joe Biden than under Donald Trump. That same day, Joe Biden notoriously shifted the responsibility of ending the pandemic onto our nation’s governors, arguing that “there is no federal solution [to COVID]. This gets solved at a state level.” This came just a few short months after he demanded that governors “get out of the way” of federal efforts in the fight against COVID.

Source: PJ Media

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