A small group of pro-abortion protestors demonstrated in front of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home on Wednesday evening, prompting criticism from one of the justice’s neighbors.

“They shouldn’t be doing this,” he told The Daily Signal’s Doug Blair, before telling the protestors: “Go home and get a family.”

“It’s none of their business, why are they are here?” he asked. The neighbor said that he thinks it is “of course” inappropriate for the protestors, who were dressed as handmaids, to demonstrate in Barrett’s neighborhood.

“They have the right to protest but not in front of someone’s house,” he said. “They live here, this is where she lives.”

The demonstration in front of Barrett’s home follows much larger protests at the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito over the past week since the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion showing that the court is likely preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Protests also took place outside the United States Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., in Los Angeles (where protestors violently clashed with police) and in New York City.

Footage captured by Blair and The Daily Signal’s Virginia Allen on Wednesday night shows a group of seven protestors walking around the cul-de-sac in the justice’s neighborhood.

“The protest was quiet, only seven people, but the message was clear and direct from the pro-abortion protesters,” Allen told The Daily Wire. “They believe that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, America will become like ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’”

“A few of the protestors were willing to talk to press, but they seemed annoyed that it was mainly conservative press covering the protest,” she added. “The male protester was more willing to talk to me than the other protesters. I asked him when he thinks life begins. He would not answer my question.”

The pro-abortion social media account Ruth Sent Us said that it had organized the protest in a Wednesday evening tweet.

Ruth Sent Us has also called for protesting in Catholic Churches in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right” to obtain abortions.

“We organized this,” tweeted Ruth Sent Us, which has also threatened to burn the Eucharist. “We have been mass-reported since last week on all social media, suffered death threats, doxxing, and a SWAT attempt.”

Blair told The Daily Wire that some of the handmaid protestors at Barrett’s home on Wednesday night recognized him from his coverage of protests at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s and Chief Justice John Roberts’ homes.

“Two of the protestors referenced my Fox and Friends hit where I said it was one of the scariest things I’d ever seen,” he said. “They said something along the lines of ‘We’re surprised you’re here since you were so scared on Saturday.’”

“And then they called me a two bit reporter from Fox News,” he said with amusement.

The protestors carried signs that said “keep your rosaries off my ovaries” and “we did not elect people of praise,” referencing attacks on Barrett during her confirmation hearings, when media, Democrats, and activists portrayed Barrett as an “extremist” Catholic radical determined to overturn Roe v. Wade and take a knife to the Affordable Care Act.

The justices critics went so far as to suggest that Barrett adopted her children for nefarious reasons, suggesting that her Catholicism made her unfit to serve as a judge. Media also disingenuously highlighted Barrett’s reported connections to the Catholic group People of Praise, falsely reporting that the group was the inspiration for Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

Source: Dailywire

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