Old Joe Biden’s presidency has not been bereft of accomplishments. He has erased America’s Southern border, brought in well over a million unvetted migrants, drastically reduced America’s prestige and influence worldwide, destroyed the energy independence the nation achieved during the Trump administration, and has overseen catastrophic rises in gas prices and, indeed, in prices overall.

And now, amid a baby formula shortage and a time when Americans are suffering from an economic crisis that threatens to be larger than any such downturn since the Great Depression, we are sending $40 billion to Ukraine. According to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Biden’s handlers aren’t going to come up with that money simply by firing up the printing presses and afflicting the American people with more inflation; instead, we’re borrowing it from Communist China. What could possibly go wrong?

As PJM’s Athena Thorne noted a week ago, Paul has been a staunch opponent of the Ukraine aid package, saying: “Reserving the right to object, my oath of office is to the U.S. Constitution, not to any foreign nation. And no matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America. We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy.” He pointed out that “gasoline alone is up 48 percent, and energy prices are up 32 percent over the last year. Food prices have increased by nearly 9 percent. Used vehicle prices are up 35 percent for the year, and new vehicle prices have increased 12 percent or more.”

And so dooming the American economy does seem to be exactly what Biden’s handlers are doing. Paul said Wednesday: “I think it’s important to know that we don’t have any money to send, we have to borrow money from China to send it to Ukraine. And I think most people kind of get that, and many Republicans will say that when it’s a new social program, but if it’s military aid to a country, they’re like we can borrow that, that’s a justified borrowing.”

He pointed out that the Republicans who voted to send this aid to Ukraine were undermining the argument that Biden was responsible for the current skyrocketing inflation: “The problem is that it all leads to inflation, so it kind of hurts the Republican argument that Biden’s spending and Biden’s debt leads to inflation, except for when it’s bipartisan spending and that doesn’t really count.”

Indeed. The Ukraine aid vote is more evidence that there is just one big political party in Washington, with two major factions that see eye-to-eye on most everything, differing only in minor matters of priority and procedure. “This is the bipartisan consensus right now on Ukraine,” Paul continued. “Republican and Democrat leadership are exactly the same. So they get together. But in order to get together to get this, it’s guns and butter, you look at the $40 billion, it’s a lot of guns, but in order to get the gun they had to give out a lot of butter and so there’s a lot of spending going to European countries for food throughout the world. What we’ve done is given away the farm to make us weaker.” Yes, and there will come a time when the bills will have to be paid.

Meanwhile, the principal beneficiaries of all this are the Communist Chinese, who will come out of the Russia-Ukraine conflict considerably strengthened and facing a drastically weakened Russia (no matter what the outcome of the war is) and a United States that has had its resources depleted under the auspices of the reckless, feckless, America-Last Biden regime. Will the money the U.S. will have to pay back to China go to fund an invasion of Taiwan or some other global adventurism?

Whatever happens, it is difficult to see how any of this can end well for the United States. The administration continues to pursue relentlessly inflationary policies that are now threatening to bring the entire economy to a standstill. Do Biden’s handlers have any regard for the American people at all? Or are they so determined to pursue their internationalist socialist fantasies that they don’t care if they bring economic disaster upon the nation and plunge millions of Americans into poverty? After all, those who cannot support themselves will be forced to rely on the nation’s social safety net and will become more inclined to vote for the party that will keep that safety net as capacious and comfortable as possible. So for the elites, there’s just no downside.

Source: PJ Media

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