Elon Musk mocked a gamer publication on Memorial Day for trying troll him after the publication accused him of not giving them proper credit for their content.

The publication, Hard Drive, claimed that Musk had cropped their name off one of their articles and posted it to social media.

“Well, if you make something that looks like a meme & someone (not me) crops off your name, so it goes,” Musk responded. “Also, this is only a 6/10 meme, so maybe step down from that high horse! The selfless art of anonymous meme creators is something to be admired.”

Musk later deleted the tweet that the publication called him out over.

The publication later posted a link to one of their articles and asked Musk to let them know what he thought of it.

The article was titled, “Elon Musk Admits He Wants to Travel to Mars Because No One Hates Him There Yet”.

Musk responded, “Less funny than SNL on a bad day. This could make a drunk person sober. Try harder!”

“The reason you’re not that funny is because you’re woke,” Musk continued. “Humor relies on an intuitive & often awkward truth being recognized by the audience, but wokism is a lie, which is why nobody laughs.”

Musk has repeatedly slammed wokeism for a variety of reasons, including the negative impact that it has had on the world of comedy.

Musk took aim at The Onion during an interview last year for becoming “really politically correct” and for not making fun of “anything on the Left.”

“It used to be much more even-handed, The Onion, and then they just got the woke mind virus to the point where … it used to be very funny and then it was not that funny,” Musk said. “You know, SNL, I used to be a huge fan of SNL. … many, many, many, if not, most of the SNL episodes are kind of a moral lecture on why we’re bad human beings, instead of comedy. So, and again, won’t make fun of anything on the Left, really, like, you know, they’ll beat up on Ted Cruz 17,000 times and you’re like, ‘OK, we get it.’”

“So it’s, it’s just, there’re just a lot of no fly zones with a lot of comedy,” Musk said. “And then you realize, it’s like, wait a second, is the comedy getting at an essential truth or trying — is there a propaganda element? Or is it trying to push you in a particular direction? Or getting to an essential truth that is humorous? And when it stops trying to get to an essential truth that is humorous, then, you know, it’s just not that funny.”

Source: Dailywire

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