Remember when schools prepared kids for the real world? Democrats just can’t have that and prefer to prepare black students for epic failure throughout life.

High schools in the Chicago suburbs of Oak Park and River Forest have decided their current grading system uses  “outdated practices” and fosters “unconscious biases” regarding black students.

Rather than stressing the importance of education to a” marginalized group,” the school system has decided black kids will not lose points for missing class, not turning in homework, or misbehaving in the classroom.

The local school board is calling it “Transformative Education Professional Development & Grading” but it’s really just implementing lower expectations for black kids, and robbing serious students of higher grades.

FACT-O-RAMA! Teaching kids that it’s ok to misbehave, miss class, and not turn in homework is a recipe for failure on a grand scale. No future employer will be ok with such behavior.

Thirty-eight percent of sophomores from the Oak Park, River Forest (OPRF) school system recently failed the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).

The racial breakdown of those who failed the test: 77% of black students, 49% of Hispanic kids, 27% of Asians, and 25% of white students.

Rather than teaching kids to succeed, the OPRF school system has decided to lower the expectations, and the odds of succeeding in life, for black students.

All in the name of D.I.E.J.—”diversity, inclusiveness, equity” and the newest addition, and the most ominous, “justice.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Progressives are also behind the notion of low bail, letting criminals out of jail, and raising the “allowable” shoplifting rate to $1,000, all of which ultimately hurts black people in numerous ways, including soaring crimes rates in black neighborhoods and leading more black people to commit crimes.

The school district’s website is oozing with wokeness, including this gem regarding “trans” students:

Students are not required to obtain a court-ordered name change and/or submit medical or psychological documentation as a prerequisite to being addressed by the name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity or to having the name and/or gender marker that correspond to their gender identity included in the district’s electronic database.

That means if 14-year-old Carl decides he is now Carla, the school system changes the name, no questions asked.

Chicago is in the midst of a soaring crime wave, including 1,221 shootings thus far this year. One would think this would be a great time to enforce education, not stifle it, but liberals prefer to reward black kids for sub-standard performances, all in the name of “justice.”

Source: PJ Media

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