A new poll shows which superheroes have the most Democratic-leaning fan base — and the results show that it’s a DC film and a Disney Marvel character that skew the poll to the left.

Echelon Insights conducted a poll from May 20-23, asking 1,020 “voters in the likely electorate” everything from who their favorite superhero was to which blockbuster films coming out over the summer they planned to see.

The poll found that respondents’ top three superheroes of all time came from the DC Universe, with Superman in first place at 28%, Batman in second with 24%, and Wonder Woman in third place with 21%.

The poll also found that men favored Superman and Batman more than women did, who were over two times as likely to pick Wonder Woman as their favorite hero over men who thought the same.

To break that down further, the poll found which way Democrats and Republicans leaned when it came to their favorite caped-crusaders. Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini tweeted that results showed that “most movie superheroes have a balanced fan base, only Black Panther and Wonder Woman lean significantly left.”

The study showed that Democrats were much more likely than Republicans to favor Black Panther and Wonder Woman. However, when it came to classic heroes such as Superman and Batman, it didn’t matter which side of the political aisle as person was on; they had broad appeal.

Later, those participating in the poll were asked which movies they had seen or planned to see this summer, and “Top Gun: Maverick” beat all other films with 29%. In second place with 27% was “Jurassic World: Dominion.”

And it might not come as a surprise to anyone that the highly-anticipated sequel to the 1986 “Top Gun” was the most popular among Republicans, while the next installment in the dinosaur franchise was the most anticipated film among Democrats.

Source: Dailywire

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