Elon Musk just doesn’t think he has enough enemies.

On Saturday, the richest man in the world shared a tweet alongside a meme taking on the Department of Justice (DOJ), media, and Ghislaine Maxwell alongside her deceased business partner and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

The meme in question said, “Things I’ll never see in my life,” with photos of a dinosaur, unicorn, dragon, and the text “Epstein/Maxwell client list” in reference to the alleged list of wealthy and powerful clients who had sex with underage girls procured by Epstein and Maxwell.

“Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares,” Musk added. “Doesn’t that seem odd?”

“Sometimes I think my list of enemies is too short, so …” Musk added in his now-trademark dry sense of humor.

In December 2021, The Daily Wire reported that Maxwell was found “guilty on five of six counts on Wednesday, including conspiracy to entice individuals under 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in ‘illegal sexual activity,’ conspiracy to transport individuals under 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in ‘illegal sexual activity,’ transportation of an individual under 17 with intent to engage in ‘illegal sexual activity,’ conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of individuals under 18, and sex trafficking of an individual under 18,” in relation her dealings with Epstein.

During the trial, the public learned more about the ways in which Epstein and Maxwell would prey on the girls they abused.

“One of Maxwell’s accusers, a woman testifying under the pseudonym ‘Jane,’ testified that Epstein and Maxwell abused her together when she was just 14 years old. Maxwell took her on shopping trips, asked her about her life, and discussed sexual topics with her, ‘Jane’ said,” The Daily Wire reported.

Epstein died in August 2021, but Maxwell could now be sentenced to 55 years in prison.

In December, The Daily Wire also noted that Maxwell’s “trial prompted speculation that incriminating information could potentially come to light about some of the high-profile names connected to Epstein, such as Microsoft founder Bill Gates, former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, Bobby Kennedy Jr., and former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell. However, the trial revealed little new information about Epstein’s circle of friends.”

On Saturday, a Twitter user posted a photo of Maxwell in a formal dress alongside Musk in a tuxedo.

Musk promptly shot back, “Ah yes, Maxwell photobombing me at a @VanityFair Oscars party – you should [ask] them why they invited her.”

“The same people who push this photo say nothing about prominent people who actually went to his island a dozen times,” he alleged. “Also very strange …”

Source: Dailywire

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