Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Tuesday that he is “comfortable” with the bipartisan gun control framework — which includes funding for red flag laws.

“For myself, I’m comfortable with the framework, and if the legislation ends up reflecting what the framework indicates, I will be supportive,” the Kentucky Republican said Tuesday.

That framework includes both enhanced background checks for Americans under 21, as well as funding for states to pass red flag laws and for school security and mental health services.

McConnell is the eleventh Republican to indicate that he agrees to the framework of the legislative text, meaning that it will overcome a filibuster if Republicans maintain support and all 50 Democrats back the bill.


Led by Democratic Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy and Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a group of 20 senators said Sunday that they had reached a consensus on a gun reform deal, which follows mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

“We have a deal. Today a bipartisan group of 20 Senators (10 D and 10 R) is announcing a breakthrough agreement on gun violence – the first in 30 years – that will save lives,” Murphy tweeted Sunday.

The senator noted that the gun control package would allocate “billions in new funding for mental health and school safety, including money for the national build out of community mental health clinics.”

The package would also close the “boyfriend loophole” and prevent domestic abusers (meaning a spouse or a serious dating partner) from buying a gun if they are convicted of abusing their partner.

“Will this bill do everything we need to end our nation’s gun violence epidemic?” Murphy asked. “No. But it’s real, meaningful progress. And it breaks a 30 year log jam, demonstrating that Democrats and Republicans can work together in a way that truly saves lives.”

“Drafting this law and passing it through both chambers will not be easy,” he added. “We have a long way before this gets to the president’s desk. But with your help and activism, we can get this done. This time, failure cannot be an option.”

Source: Dailywire

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