The White House is still considering sending out gas rebate cards in an effort to help millions of Americans afford gas as they face high prices at the pump.

On Friday, Fox Business reported that President Joe Biden is considering all options to provide relief — including gas cards.

“The president has made clear that he is willing to explore all options and hear all ideas that would help lower gas prices for the American people,” a White House official told Fox Business.

“No decisions have been made,” the official added.

In March, The Daily Wire reported that the White House held off on sending out taxpayer-funded pre-paid debit cards after receiving pushback from Democrats on Capitol Hill, who were worried the idea would never work in providing economic relief in the face of high fuel prices.

At the time, it was reported that Biden’s team and the Democrats were also considering sending more stimulus checks, raising gas taxes on oil companies to fund means-based assistance, and rescinding federal oil leases to companies who do not use them.

In March, Axios reported that the Democratic caucus laid out to the White House why the gas cards were a bad idea.

The Democratic leaders allegedly argued that the plan would be expensive and poorly targeted, could worsen inflation, and wouldn’t be all that effective. Axios also said that the group was worried that the distribution of the cards would be a slow process that could hamper the IRS in the middle of tax season.

The Washington Post also reported on Friday that White House aides were having difficulty with the gas card plan due to a microchip shortage facing the nation. Others also feared that Americans would not actually use cards for gas, according to the Post.

The average gallon of gasoline currently costs $5.00 nationwide, AAA reported on Friday.

On Wednesday, in another attempt to drive down the cost of gas, the president sent oil and gas companies a strongly worded letter, demanding that they increase oil production while criticizing them for making record profits.

On Friday, former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mick Mulvaney blasted the Biden administration for sending that letter in the first place.

“What’s really surprising, Maria, is the letter itself, because Biden didn’t write it,” Mulvaney told Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo. “Presidents don’t write those kinds of letters. It’s written by staff. And what this means is that he’s surrounded himself with people who really don’t understand capitalism and the profit motive. They surround themselves with people who think the government can wave a magic wand and make people make more things. And that, I think, is more disturbing for the long run.”

Source: Dailywire

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