L.A.’s woke district attorney George Gascon just doubled down on his George Soros-endorsed policies following the murders of two police officers. One thing’s for sure — no one will have one ounce of sympathy for the DA if he loses his job.

Gascon is being recalled for the second time. More than 540,000 signatures have been gathered toward the 700,000 that backers hope to collect by the July 7 deadline in their bid to put the woke DA out to pasture. Voters and Gascon’s own prosecutors are backing the effort to send him the way of his fellow woke DA, Chesa Boudin, who was just voted out of office.

In a news conference on Tuesday, Gascon said he sympathized with the families of two gunned-down El Monte police officers, Michael Paredes and Joseph Santana, but that his policies weren’t the problem. Gascon claimed the cop killer, a career criminal, wasn’t a violent person, even though he was a well-known gang member who was given a sweetheart deal for a previous gun crime. “Possession of a gun is not a violent crime,” Gascon told reporters.

The killer should have been sent back to prison for that “strike” against him, but he wasn’t because Gascon issued guidance to his prosecutors that “three strikes” enhancements would not be taken into consideration in sentencing or setting terms of probation. That’s why the killer was out, holding his wife hostage in a motel and then killing two cops.

Then, Gascon went into the Way Back Machine to pull out the ghost of Massachusetts career criminal Willie Horton, of all people. Horton was highlighted in the 1988 Democratic presidential primary by Al Gore. Republicans then picked up on the Horton issue with a “revolving door” ad they ran against Michael Dukakis in the general election.

Gascon claimed the notorious case set the tone for the murders of the two cops. He said Horton’s was a “horrible case that [paved the way] for decades of very harsh incarceration and punishment. It never made us any safer. Many would argue that we’re here because of mistakes we made in the past.”

See? If you make criminals pay for their crimes, it will only backfire on society in the long run. So argued the woke DA as he sought to take the spotlight off his policies that put a career criminal on the street, resulting in the murders of two cops.

It’s hard to get more cynical than this.

Gascon warned people in Los Angeles not to take away the wrong lesson and urged “everyone to make sure we don’t overreact here and we do the things that we know will work.”

L.A. County cities have figured out the lessons just fine. Following Gascon’s news conference, the City of El Monte’s council issued a unanimous no-confidence vote against the L.A. County DA, making them the 35th city to do so.

Slain officer Joseph Santana’s mother told reporters that police live in fear of Gascon’s “insane ideas.”

“Police officers are afraid to do their jobs and defend themselves,” she said, “because Gascon won’t put [crimimals] in jail.  … we need to enforce our laws so more police officers don’t die.”

Worse, she told reporters, “I was slapped in the face when I was told that Gascon was going to pay for the criminal’s funeral. I blame the death of my son and his partner on Gascon.”

“We need to make criminals responsible for their actions,” she said through tears. “We need law and order.”

Gascon’s policies set this killer free to prey on society.

The DA would rather punish innocent L.A. County residents than punish criminals who knowingly break the law.

Source: PJ Media

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