Left-wing activist and actress Sophia Bush on Saturday limited comments on an outrageous Instagram post she published claiming the U.S. Supreme Court and conservative Christians are trying to “criminalize” miscarriages and toss doctors in jail for treating women with ectopic pregnancies.

Bush penned the post in the wake of the Supreme Court decision that overturned abortion decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey on Friday, effectively kicking abortion restrictions back to the states.

“Miscarriages? They’re working to criminalize them,” Bush wrote in a lengthy post, adding, “Every member of the SCOTUS, & every Christian fundamentalist, & every state official who denies science & the impact on the living has now inserted themselves in our wombs. They are not stopping here.”

The comment section on the post reads, “Comments on this post have been limited.” According to Instagram, this means Bush is only allowing certain people to comment, and their comments have to be approved by her before they even show up on the post.

Miscarriages, where a baby tragically dies in a woman’s womb, are not illegal. And there is no pro-life legislation seeking to criminalize women who suffer natural miscarriages.

Bush also claimed doctors who treat an ectopic pregnancy will be thrown “in jail for murder rather than thank them forever for saving her life.”

This, too, is untrue.

“An ectopic pregnancy is one such specific instance where the treatment inevitably and tragically causes the death of the preborn child. But again, death is not the purpose,” Live Action explains. “Such a pregnancy is different than any other kind a woman wishes to terminate, because it is not able to continue. The preborn child is supposed to grow in her mother’s uterus, but in this case, the child develops in the fallopian tubes. Such a pregnancy can severely injure or damage the mother. Thus, the baby, and at times, even the fallopian tubes, must be removed.”

Live Action noted that WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and even abortion mill Planned Parenthood admit treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion.

“Treating an ectopic pregnancy isn’t the same thing as getting an abortion,” Planned Parenthood says on its website. “Ectopic pregnancies are unsafely outside of your uterus (usually in the fallopian tubes), and are removed with a medicine called methotrexate or through a laparoscopic surgical procedure. The medical procedures for abortions are not the same as the medical procedures for an ectopic pregnancy.”

Still, the evidence-free claims by Bush and other pro-abortion activists have been allowed to proliferate.

The Supreme Court has “removed our personal power to make decisions about our bodies, futures, and health with our partners & our doctors. Away from prying eyes. They have made the immensely private into something public & political,” the “One Tree Hill” actress continued.

“They are working to turn us into a fundamentalist nation, despite this nation existing because people wanted to escape religious fundamentalism,” the 39-year-old said. “It is DIRE. But I will say this to you, my sisters and friends and our allies. WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY. WE WILL NOT BE DETERRED.”

“Weep. Rage. Grieve,” Bush closed the post. “Reach out to those affected & tell them you are HERE. That they are SEEN. Take a moment, in this world that wants us always working, to pause & feel. But then get ready for the fight of our lives. If we weren’t held hostage by Manchin & Sinema we could have stopped this. We could have expanded the Court. And so when those midterms hit? We better fight tooth and nail and blood and future for more seats. If we want to stop a sadist patriarchy that ignores science and the humanity of us from remaking this nation into a prison for anyone who isn’t pale, male, wealthy, or stale? We have to reclaim & rebuild it OURSELVES. I know it feels like it’s not enough. It’s also our way forward.”

Source: Dailywire

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