What could possibly go wrong? Border Report notes that “a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.” This is no small-time effort: “The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality.” Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.

The shelter is, of course, a humanitarian effort. Sonia Tinico, the president of the Latino Muslim Foundation, explained: “Being on one of the largest borders in the world, this is a source of pride that we’re here able to help people arriving at the border. We’ll be able to provide shelter for Muslims who are seeking to get to the U.S. or Canada.” The shelter will provide “housing, medical care, meals and legal services inside the 8,000-square-foot facility.”

Tinico added that the Muslim migrants on their way to the U.S. “can pray here and have halal meals that don’t have pork since we don’t eat pork. We’ll have separate areas for women and men.” Not only that, but the migrants “will be offered psychological and dental assistance along with workshops to help asylum-seekers get familiar with North American culture and customs.”

How wonderful. But will any effort be made there to determine if any of the migrants are listed on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), or should be? Probably not — that would be “Islamophobic.”

As if that weren’t enough, Iran International English reported late Friday that “the Biden admin has decided to lift a controversial ban on the entry into US of Iranian men who’d been conscripted into IRGC, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of their compulsory military service, as they don’t ‘pose a national security or public safety risk.’” The IRGC is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which the Trump administration designated a terrorist organization in 2019. Here again, what could possibly go wrong?

The terror risk involved in the open border has long been known. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported back on Feb. 3, 2021, that “Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a group of 11 Iranian citizens who illegally crossed the border into the United States. … Yuma Sector agents apprehended eight Iranian nationals in FY2020, compared to just 14 from all other border patrol sectors combined. So far in FY2021, Yuma Sector agents have apprehend [sic] 14 nationals from Iran.”

Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) asserted in March 2021 that “individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border. We need to wake up.” Then in August 2021, former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott warned that the Southern border was “a national security crisis,” with “TSDBs at a level we have never seen before. That’s a real threat.” In October, he said on Fox News that “we have terrorist threats we can’t get into in this type of a forum but they are real.”

Yes, they are, and they’re entirely Biden’s fault. Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan said Monday that border agents are “demoralized” with the border “wide open.” He added that “every aspect of our public health, safety, national security is being jeopardized.” Over 7,000 migrants cross the border every day as it is, and once Title 42, a Trump administration attempt to control the wave of migrants, is ended as Biden’s handlers plan to do next month, that number is expected to jump to 18,000 per day.

Morgan observed that one group taking advantage of this is the drug cartels. “They know, because of this administration, our borders are wide open,” Morgan said. “We literally handed over operational control to the cartels. It’s way beyond the millions that have been smuggled in this country.” Not just terrorists, but drug cartels as well. The nightmare never ends.

And it has all been done on purpose. The Biden administration, Morgan added, “opened our borders and intentionally created and facilitated a catastrophic crisis on the southwest border that we’ve never seen in our lifetime.” Why would they do such a thing? You know the answer. Morgan explained: “Their priorities [are] to get as many illegal aliens in this country because – it’s disgusting – but because they see a perceived political benefit.”

It’s insane. The Left seems intent on destroying the country in pursuit of unchallenged political power. What kind of a country they’ll be ruling over once it is overrun with migrants and its economic power entirely outsourced or outpaced doesn’t seem to be a question that ever crosses their minds. How they’ll be able to pay for all their new welfare recipients once the American middle class is entirely taxed out of existence is also not a priority consideration for them. The only thing that matters is gaining and securing political power indefinitely. But this might easily become a pyrrhic victory.

Source: PJ Media

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