Supreme Court marshal Gail Curley is asking Maryland and Virginia to enforce laws that prohibit picketing outside the homes of justices.

Ever since the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the private residences of justices have been the target of abortion radicals’ protests. “For weeks on end, large groups of protesters chanting slogans, using bullhorns, and banging drums have picketed Justices’ homes in Maryland,” Curley wrote to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, noting a crowd outside the home of one justice grew to more than 100 people.

There’s a state law in Maryland that says a “person may not intentionally assemble with another in a manner that disrupts a person’s right to tranquility in the person’s home.” But the constitutionality of that law has been questioned. And Curley was chastised by Hogan’s chief of staff for not doing her research on the law.


“Two months ago, Governor Hogan and Governor Youngkin sent a letter calling on Attorney General Garland to enforce the clear and unambiguous federal statutes on the books that prohibit picketing at judges’ residences,” Ricci said. “A month later, hours after an assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh, the Department of Justice finally responded, declining to enforce the laws.”

“Now a different federal official is writing to us with conflicting information,” Ricci continued. “Has the marshal taken time to explore the matter, she would have learned that the constitutionality of the statute cited in her letter has been questioned by the Maryland Attorney General’s Office.”

Ricci said Hogan has directed the Maryland State Police to further review enforcement actions that “respect the First Amendment and the Constitution.”

Similarly in Virginia, Fairfax County Chairman Jeff McKay also cited the First Amendment.

“Our office is in receipt of a letter from the Marshal of the Court concerning protesters in front of Supreme Court justices’ homes and a possibly related Virginia statute. The County’s stance on this issue is unchanged,” Fairfax County Chairman Jeff McKay said in a statement. “The law cited in the letter is a likely violation of the First Amendment, and a previous court case refused to enforce it. As long as individuals are assembling on public property and not blocking access to private residences, they are permitted to be there.”

Congress passed The Supreme Court Police Parity Act in June which was signed by Joe Biden two weeks ago. But it’s indicative of the times in which we live that the radical left opposed the same security for Supreme Court justices and their families that is available to members of Congress and the executive. They want the opportunity to terrorize justices. Perhaps some unfortunate accident will befall a conservative justice and Biden will get a chance to name a radical to the high court.

An exaggeration? Has the radical left been listening to some of the chants and seen some of the signs at these protests? The overheated, hysterical rhetoric is creating an atmosphere in which violence can break out at any time.

We shouldn’t be surprised if it does.

Source: PJ Media

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