The Facebook-funded censors at are lying about President Joe Biden’s verbal slip and the White House’s attempt to cover it up.

Despite footage and audio clearly showing the gaffe-prone president saying, “End of quote. Repeat the line,” in an abortion speech last week, the fake fact-checkers claim that “Social Media Posts Misleadingly Edit and Misrepresent Biden Remarks from Teleprompter.”

The author of this particular “fact-check” took issue with some social media users, including Elon Musk, “insinuating that [Biden] is becoming senile” and “falsely claim[ing] that he mistakenly read the cues off the teleprompter.”

Their source for this “fact”? An official White House transcript that added two words Biden never said: “End of quote. Let me repeat the line” (emphasis added).

The corrupt censors also cited a direct statement from White House Assistant Press Secretary Emilie Simons, who last week tried to gaslight Twitter into believing Biden wasn’t really reading cues directly from the teleprompter.

“No. He said, ‘let me repeat that line,’” she tweeted.

Despite clear video evidence that Biden never said “let me,” Simons claimed Biden “wanted to emphasize that American women should let their voices be heard in order to reclaim our rights” and that the president often uses “similar phrases about repetition for emphasis.” took her word for it and said, “This is just another example of Biden being falsely accused of having issues while using a teleprompter.”

The “fact check” ends with an editor’s note that clearly states the article was designed to help Big Tech censor and deplatform critics of the Democrat regime.

“ is one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found here. Facebook has no control over our editorial content,” the editor’s note states.

Source: The Federalist

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