Elon Musk’s 76-year-old father, Errol, told a newspaper this week that he fathered a second child with his stepdaughter, 35-year-old Jana Bezuidenhout.

Errol Musk told The Sun that the two welcomed the child, which was an “unplanned” pregnancy, into the world three years ago. The two reportedly had another child together, Elliot Rush, now 5, shortly before giving birth to their most recent child.

The British publication said back in 2018 that Elon Musk went “berserk” after he found out that his father had a child with his stepsister, whom he grew up with.

“I haven’t checked her DNA. But she looks just like my other daughters,” Errol told the newspaper. “She wasn’t planned. But I mean, we were living together. She [Jana] stayed here for about 18 months after Rushi was born.”

Errol suggested that being in a relationship with Jana was “not practical” due to the 41-year age difference, although he hinted that they may end up together “if I’m still around” later in life.

“But I realized [Jana]’s two generations behind whereas [Jana’s] mother was one generation behind when I married her,” he continued. “So any man who marries a woman, even if you feel very sprightly, it’s going to be nice for a while. But there’s a big gap… And that gap is going to show itself.”

In regards to having children, Errol said, “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce. If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to.”

Elon has slammed his father hard in past interviews, calling him a “terrible human being” and alleging that he is a criminal.

“He was such a terrible human being. You have no idea,” Elon said in an interview with Rolling Stone. “My dad will have a carefully thought-out plan of evil… He will plan evil.”

During the interview, Elon reportedly cried while talking about his father, insisting that people “have no idea about how bad” his father is.

“Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done,” Elon said. “Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done… It’s so terrible, you can’t believe it.”

Errol told the Daily Mail that his son “needs to grow up” and “get over himself.”

“I’m not going to hit back. I’m going to wait until he comes to his senses,” Errol added. “He’s having a tantrum, like a spoilt child. He can’t have what he wants and now I am apparently an evil monster.”

Source: Dailywire

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