Critics let Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) — member of the far-left progressive “Squad” — have it when she followed her arrest at a Supreme Court protest with an “empowering selfie.”

Bush — along with fellow Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashid Tlaib (D-MI) — claimed on Tuesday that they were among the 34 arrested during the pro-abortion protest. Critics roundly mocked Ocasio-Cortez for appearing to act as though she was handcuffed as a police officer escorted her from the street.

They were reportedly removed from the street after begin warned several times not to block traffic — at which point they were ticketed, fined $50 each, and released. Following the brief arrest, Bush shared a photo of the group standing, fists raised, near the still ongoing protest.

“The Supreme Court will not stop us. Even though they arrested us, we won’t stop our organizing, agitating, and legislating for justice,” she tweeted. “We got us.”

“If anyone needed a group photo of the most ridiculous attention seekers in Congress, here you go,” @chicksontheright tweeted in response to the photo.

“The cops who ‘arrested’ them had such a gentle touch that not a nail on their baby-soft hands was broken,” Douglas Ernst added. “Modern politicians are almost always total losers. It’s embarrassing that Americans don’t clean house across the board.”

“Privilege is getting arrested and immediately getting to take an empowering selfie afterward,” Joe Cunningham noted.

“This is what it looks like when you’re part of the Establishment,” Gerry Callahan argued. “No worries about being held without bail, imprisoned without formal charges, locked in solitary for a year, denied visits from your family. It sure pays to be dutiful friend of the Regime.”

AG Hamilton pushed back on Bush’s comments, saying, “‘They’ didn’t arrest you. The police cited you for blocking the street after giving you several warnings asking you to move. Then they walked you over to some grass where you took pictures to celebrate your publicity stunt. And you were doing that instead of legislating.”

“Supreme Court already overturned Roe v Wade,” Seattle-based radio host Jason Rantz added. “You lost and all you have to show for it is an arrest record and an embarrassing photo.”

Source: Dailywire

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