Actress Alicia Silverstone said this week that she “still” sleeps with her 11-year-old son Bear, emphasizing that she’s a “natural mama” and a “loving mama.”

The “Clueless” actress has made headlines for some of her parenting choices and even joked that her ex-husband and father to her child, musician Christopher Jarecki, initially dismissed the decisions as “hippie s***,” but he’s since come around.

“Bear and I still sleep together,” Silverstone told podcast host Ellen Fisher. “And I’ll be in trouble for saying that, but I don’t care.”

Fisher noted that Silverstone’s non-“status quo” parenting has been criticized in the press, highlighting “co-sleeping” with her son Bear.

“I’m a natural mama, and I’m a loving mama,” Silverstone reacted. “I believe in love, I believe in nature. And our society is scared of nature and love.”

Silverstone noted that it’s normal in our culture for women to wear string thong bikinis on the beach, but breastfeeding in public is not normal. “And I’m just like, what?!”

The 45-year-old further questioned why women are “sexualized” everywhere you look. “But we can’t gently feed our children with the thing that was made to feed them? Like, what is wrong with you?”

Silverstone and Fisher then gushed over motherhood. “I think that being a mom is the most unbelievable experience in this world … for me, it’s so divine,” the actress said. “I wanted to savor every moment of [Bear’s] life.”

The “Batman & Robin” actress told Fisher that ideally, she’d have more children, at least two or three in total, but didn’t have more kids because she didn’t have a partner after her relationship got “messed up.”

During the same podcast, Silverstone reportedly described how she rarely used diapers while potty-training Bear, instead watching for “clues” from her child.

“It’s so awesome. It’s so easy,” she said. “When I was done feeding him, he would go to the bathroom in the toilet. When he woke up from a nap, he went to the bathroom.”

“There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues,” Silverstone continued. “The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile. That’s when he had to pee.”

Notably, in 2012, the actress made waves online when she fed her then-10-month-old son food that had first been chewed in her mouth.

Source: Dailywire

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