Recent polls show only a small minority of Americans actually approve of the way Joe Biden has handled the economy, and The Lincoln Project is among that small minority.

With the nation on the cusp of entering a recession, the anti-Republican PAC of so-called Republicans is praising Joe Biden for “his enormously successful first 18 months in office” and for creating “one of the strongest economies in American history.”

I know, I know, just try to stop laughing and continue reading.

The Lincoln Project cites what it calls record-shattering job growth in his first year in office and wage growth as indicators that Biden is truly the bee’s knees when it comes to the economy.

Of course, readers of PJ Media know these are bogus indicators as wage growth is not keeping pace with historic inflation and he didn’t actually create any jobs in 2021.

Do you think that matters to the Lincoln Project? Nope.

“President Biden is a decent human being who exhibits the qualities we should cherish in a President: he’s a strong leader with clear moral standards and empathizes with Americans for the challenges they face every day,” Lincoln Project cofounder Reed Galen said. “President Biden shows what American greatness looks like.”

Ahh, there it is… Does the Lincoln Project really believe that Biden is some economic savior (when most of the nation does not), or is there something else going on here? When you read between the lines of Galen’s statement, you clearly see: “Joe Biden isn’t Donald Trump, and so we praise him.”

That’s what this is all about. The Lincoln Project went all in as an anti-Trump group and will continue to praise Biden for simply not being Trump.

Source: PJ Media

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