Demi Lovato sparked confusion and more Tuesday after reports surfaced about the singer explaining why she’s decided to go back to using “she/her” pronouns after previously announcing that she was “non-binary” and identifying as “they/them.”

During the 29-year-old singer/actress’ recent appearance on the “Spout Podcast,” Lovato talked about the decision to go back to identifying as “she/her,” and said it was because lately she’d been feeling more of the feminine vibe, as The Daily Wire reported. In May, fans noticed Lovato had suddenly added “she/her pronouns” to her Instagram page, as previously reported, but never explained the move. One year earlier, the pop star came out as non-binary and announced “they/them” pronouns.

Piers Morgan was one of the first to react on Twitter to the news, sharing a headline that read, “Demi Lovato makes pronoun change — goes back to she/her,” from the New York Post.

“FFS. Can she/her/they/them please make up her/their bloody mind?” the host of “Piers Morgan Uncensored” tweeted to his 7.9 million followers.

Podcast host Katie Herzog said Daily Mail online got it wrong in their headline that read, “Demi Lovato admits she is no longer using ‘they/them’ as reverts back to ‘she/her.’”

“This text isn’t quite right—she’s now she/her/they/them—but I’ve seen a few cases like this recently and I suspect we’ll see more soon,” Herzog tweeted.

“There’s a popular queer influencer who recently announced that he’s going back to he/him but instead of being like ‘whoops, I was wrong,’ he’s spinning it as ‘I’m being even more expansive with my gender journey,’” she added.

They weren’t the only ones who seemed unsure exactly what the former Disney star meant when she said on the podcast, “Yeah, so, they/them is, um, I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her again with me.”

“So for me, I’m such a fluid person that I don’t really … I don’t find that I am … I felt like, especially last year, my energy was balanced and my masculine and feminine energy, so that when I was faced with the choice of walking into a bathroom and it said ‘women’ and ‘men,’ I didn’t feel like there was a bathroom for me because I didn’t feel necessarily like a woman,” Lovato shared. “I didn’t feel like a man.”

“I just felt like a human,” she added. “And that’s what they/them is about for me. It’s just about like feeling human at your core. Recently, I’ve been feeling more feminine, and so I’ve adopted she/her again,” the singer continued. “But I think what’s important is, like, nobody’s perfect. Everyone messes up pronouns at some point, and especially when people are learning, it’s just all about respect.”

Headlines from various news outlets and entertainment sites were all over the place with the language used to try and decode what the star meant.

Billboard magazine’s read, “Demi Lovato opened up about why they ‘adopted she/her’ pronouns again.”

However, People magazine’s headline that was tweeted read, “Demi Lovato Says She’s Using ‘She/Her’ Pronouns Again: ‘I’m Such a Fluid Person’”

It was clear that the comments by Lovato left a lot of confusion, as TV Host Tamara Dhia said the reports got it wrong and that Lovato wasn’t “abandoning” those “they/them” pronouns.

“For the record: Demi Lovato did NOT say she is abandoning they/them as her pronouns, she simply said she is adding she/her,” Dhia tweeted to her 15,000 followers. “Please listen to the entire clip. Media friends, it’s important to get this right.”

As of this publication, Demi’s Instagram page still shows “they/them/she/her” as pronouns in her bio, despite her comments on the show, so it’s unclear if she’s completely abandoning the “they/them” pronouns, or now going by those in addition to “she/her.”

Source: Dailywire

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