The Left loves to gaslight us, and who could do it better than Georgia’s farther-Left-than-Stalin supermodel and shadow governor Stacey Abrams? On Wednesday, Yahoo News published a new interview with the perennial media darling and renowned theologian, in which she explained that her relentless support for abortion right up until the moment of birth and maybe after that is animated by her Christian faith. You see? You conservative rubes thought that Christianity stood for the sanctity of life from the moment of conception! Aren’t we all lucky to have Stacey Abrams to make it clear to us that it really endorses the Left’s irrepressible desire to offer sacrifices to Moloch?

Abrams, Yahoo informs us, says that “her own religious faith has reinforced her pro-abortion-rights views.” Abrams intones sagely: “Abortion is a medical decision,” and you’ve got to admit, she’s got a point. Whatever else it is, it’s a medical decision, just as is the decision to give someone a lethal injection or strap him to a seat in a gas chamber. But apparently aware of how reductionist and simplistic that was, the supermodel plowed on: “It is also a decision that women make because they are not ready to be mothers… My responsibility as a legislator is to make certain that we allow doctors and nurses and medical professionals to make medical decisions and that politicians stay out of it.”

This is a common Leftist talking point: abortion is just a simple medical procedure with no moral evaluation, akin to a woman deciding to get cosmetic surgery. It’s entirely her decision, based on whether or not she is “ready to be a mother,” and that’s that. The overwhelming scientific evidence that the child in the womb is just that, a child, alive and growing and quite genetically distinct from the mother, means nothing to the “Believe the Science” crowd. Abortion advocates persistently pretend that such evidence does not exist, as if it were 1222, not 2022, and no one was actually sure when human life begins (just as no one in the smart set is sure what a woman is).

But Abrams explains that it isn’t science, but her Christian faith, that makes her pro-abortion. She is, Yahoo tells us, “the daughter of two retired United Methodist pastors,” and who could know more about Christianity than the daughter of not one, but two pastors in a church that has been widely derided as the Democrat Party at Prayer? Abrams “said her religious views are not incompatible with her belief that abortion should remain legal in states like Georgia.” See, for the Left, nothing is ever what it seems, especially religions. Islam, despite the Qur’an’s repeated exhortations to kill or subjugate unbelievers, is a religion of peace, and Christianity, regardless of its repeated avowals of the sanctity of life even in the womb (cf. Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:4-5, etc.), is actually pro-abortion.

Abrams says this is because, above all, a Christian should never, ever, impose his or her beliefs on anyone else: “While your faith tradition may tell you that you personally do not want to make that choice, it is not my right as a Christian to impose that value system on someone else. Because the value that should overhang everything is the right to make our own decisions, the free will that the God I believe in gave us.”

Of course! Leftists are free to impose their value systems upon us ad nauseam, with drag queens in primary schools, school lunch funding withheld from schools that refuse to play along with transgender madness, and all the rest of it, but Christians must never dare to impose their views in any way, shape, or form. Note also her bland assumption — and here again, this is a common Leftist talking point — that opposition to abortion is solely motivated by religious conviction. Leftists steadfastly and universally ignore the scientific evidence regarding human life in the womb.

So Stacey Abrams, that most pious of Christian supermodels, supports abortion because God gave us free will. We also have the free will to kill, steal, and more, but never mind. This is one of the Left’s rising stars. This is one of the Left’s most formidable intellects. That’s why the Left has such an increasingly open taste for authoritarianism. They know they can’t win a rational debate with intellectual firepower of this embarrassingly poor quality.

Source: PJ Media

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