The 80-year-old woman who claimed that she was banned from a pool in Washington state has said that she was called a “bigot” because she said there was a man in the women’s changing area.

Julie Jaman told The Daily Wire’s Morning Wire podcast that she was told she was no longer welcome at the Mountain View pool after she alleged that there was a man in a woman’s swimsuit with several young girls in the women’s area of the pool located in Port Townsend, Washington.

“While I was showering on Tuesday, I heard a man’s voice, and I looked over toward the two toilets that are in that dressing area. And there was a man in a woman’s bathing suit watching four or five little girls take off their suits in order to use those toilets,” Jaman said.

Jaman said that she did not know who the person was in the changing area, but that it was a man.

“I just saw a person in a bathing suit. There was no identification, nothing. There’s no signage on the women’s dressing room door to expect this,” she said.

She told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to leave.

“There were gaps in the curtain and there I was, naked, with soap and water on me, and this guy, right there very close to me,” she said. “I asked, ‘Do you have a penis?’ He said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ That’s when I told him, ‘Get out of here, right now.’”

She told Morning Wire that she was then told by a staff member, “You’re discriminating and you’re out of the pool forever,” and later told by city officials that she was a “bigot.” She said she was asked to leave following the incident in the changing room.

According to a statement from Erin Hawkins, communications manager for the pool, Jaman was banned for multiple violations of the pool’s code of conduct.

“Julie Jaman was permanently suspended from the Mountain View Pool due to her repeatedly violating our Code of Conduct, specifically, using disrespectful words or gestures toward YMCA staff or others; abusive, harassing and/or obscene language or gestures toward YMCA staff or others,” she told Fox News.

Jaman told The Daily Wire that she has never had any violations at the pool or warnings about poor behavior. She has since started a petition to provide an alternative space for women so that they will not have to be in the same changing area as males.

Source: Dailywire

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