The New York Times has cut ties with a fixer in the Gaza Strip after his Facebook posts calling Jews “the children of dogs” and expressing support for the late Nazi tyrant Adolf Hitler resurfaced.

Fady Hanona has worked with multiple major news outlets to aid their reporting on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Hanona was listed as a contributor in six of the NYT’s eight stories written on the latest conflagration between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group in the Gaza Strip.

The NYT apparently ended its relationship with Hanona on Friday, according to The Times Of Israel. The fixer has a history of making anti-Semitic statements, and the media watchdog Honest Reporting uncovered a slew of Hanona’s Facebook posts in which he called for “killing” and “burning” Jews “like Hitler did,” according to translations of the posts preserved by Honest Reporting. The date of the post is unclear.

“I’m speaking for myself. I tell you I don’t accept a Jew or an Israeli or a Zionist or anyone else who speaks Hebrew,” Hanona wrote in another post, according to a translation by Honest Reporting. “I’m with killing them wherever they are – children, elderly, soldiers. I’m for killing the Jews wherever they are.”

Hanona posted other messages in 2013 and 2014 where he wrote repeatedly of a hatred for Jews and called for the destruction of the state of Israel. He also wanted a renewal of a “culture” of “fighting and killing” Israelis. The posts have since been deleted.

The NYT told The Algemeiner in a statement that the outlet is “no longer” working with Hanona. “The New York Times had worked with this freelance reporter only in recent weeks. We are no longer doing so,” a spokeswoman said.

Fighting between terrorist militants in Gaza and Israel flared up over a week ago after the Israeli military began conducting airstrikes in Gaza on August 5. Israel killed a PIJ commander, Tayseer Jabari, who ran the terror group’s operations in southern Gaza. The PIJ responded with a number of rocket strikes that sent Israelis rushing to bunkers for cover. The Iron Dome, Israel’s anti-missile defense system, shot down an estimated 97% of the PIJ rockets, according to The Washington Post.

The Israeli military reported striking 140 PIJ targets and “neutralizing” the terror group’s top commanders. The strikes also knocked out tunnels the terror group would use for attacks along with weapon storages and rocket launch sites.

The fighting resulted in at least 43 dead civilians and hundreds of wounded. The Israeli military said the vast majority of civilian casualties came from PIJ strikes after the terror group’s rockets landed inside Gaza.

“580 rockets fired by Islamic Jihad = 580 attempts to kill Israelis. The Iron Dome intercepted 97% of the rockets that directly threatened Israelis. But 120+ rockets landed in Gaza and killed innocent Palestinians. The Iron Dome protects Israel. Islamic Jihad endangers Gaza,” the Israel Defense Force said in a post.

Source: Dailywire

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