Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech corrected National Public Radio’s Mara Liasson on Fox News Tuesday when she claimed voting laws in Colorado and Georgia bear no similarity after Major League Baseball (MLB) moved their all-star game from Atlanta to Denver.

The baseball league made the decision last week to pull the summer sports event worth $100 million in local revenue citing Georgia’s new elections law passed by Republicans which expands early voting and implements voter ID requirements. Denver was announced the new host city Tuesday.

“The Georgia law and the Colorado voting rules are not equivalent,” Liasson said before Domenech interrupted NPR’s political correspondent as she began to perpetuate misinformation.

“No, that’s not true Mara and you can’t get away with saying that, that is not true,” Domenech said. “They are very close in terms of proximity and you cannot get away with saying that… When you look at this Georgia law, it is extremely reasonable. There is no case that can be reasonably be made that it represents Jim Crow in the south.”

The new Georgia voting law implements measures already in place in Colorado, including a voter ID requirement for ballots. Liasson responded by drawing the distinction between the two states where Colorado automatically sends mail-in ballots to each registered voter, and allows registration up until Election Day. The voter ID requirement however, which is at the heart of Democratic protest charging racism and corporate boycotts by woke business groups which mandate proof of ID for their services, is the same in each state.

“On that, they’re similar,” Liasson conceded.

While the decision by the MLB to move the lucrative all-star game across the country to Denver was done in the name of social justice, as if the belief minorities aren’t capable of accessing basic proof of identity wasn’t racist on its own, the impact will inflict disproportionate pain on African-Americans. Atlanta’s population is 51 percent black, while Denver’s black population makes up less than 10 percent.

Source: The Federalist

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