The first 100 days of any presidency sets a defining tone for the incoming administration.

Sadly, for America, the Biden-Harris administration has reached that milestone with an unprecedented level of failure—a reality made starker when compared to his predecessor.

In 2017, when President Donald J. Trump was sworn into office, he faced unprecedented media obstruction and the “Resistance” movement. Democratic leaders—and even some weak Republicans—took position to obstruct his every move. Undeterred, President Trump immediately started building and executing his America First vision.

When it came to immigration, he signed an executive order to bolster immigration enforcement and directed the strict apprehension of individuals illegally crossing our boarder. Within just the first two months of his presidency, illegal border crossings plummeted 40%.

He went on to fulfill his promise to build the wall and forced Mexico and other countries to stop immigrant caravans before crossing the border.

What now seems like old history, President Trump decimated ISIS and rolled back red tape that handcuffed our military from succeeding. He increased strikes and went on to wipe the terrorist regime off the map.

He took a strong posture towards North Korea—something that all the mainstream media’s so-called “experts” said would start World War III.

Instead, it led to the first-ever peace talks and easing of tensions with the hermit kingdom.

President Trump promised to be the “Jobs President” and he quickly delivered for Americans.

He sat down with executives at major companies, pressuring them to cancel their plans to outsource jobs and instead commit to investing in American workers.

He also received commitments from technology companies to create thousands of new jobs in the U.S.

The result of his early leadership was 7 million new jobs, household income growth, and poverty levels that reached historic lows.

Unemployment levels fell to their lowest levels for minority Americans, incomes rose fastest for low income and working-class Americans, and we restored 1.2 million manufacturing jobs across the nation.

Additionally, President Trump ended the war on coal, he approved the Keystone XL pipeline and, within the first 100 days, he put Neil Gorsuch on the U.S. Supreme Court.

He took on the Swamp and instituted a policy that two regulations would have to be removed for every new regulation that’s created.

He also began meeting with world leaders, pursuing his unapologetic America First agenda—an approach the media attacked, but has since led to groundbreaking trade deals and historic Middle East peace agreements.

The first 100 days of President Trump’s administration stands in contrast to what we’ve witnessed during the same period under the Biden-Harris administration.

Most directly, Biden’s campaign pledge to govern as a unifying leader has been exposed as completely fraudulent.

One of the first actions the new administration took was to unilaterally cede our southern border to human and drug traffickers by instituting a 100-day moratorium on deportations; meaning if you’re caught entering America illegally, you can stay.

Coupling that policy with the amnesty plan he put forward days after being sworn in, we now have an unmanageable crisis at the border. We have human traffickers who are transporting children across South America and Mexico, and leaving them at our border—in some cases, as seen on film, they are literally dropping these children over the wall.

There are now more than 23,000 unaccompanied children in the custody of U.S. law enforcement. Yet, the administration is doing nothing to deter this growing crisis and continues to ignore calls from both Republicans and red-state Democrats to respond.

In one of the most embarrassing exhibitions of American leadership and strength, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken sat sheepishly as a Chinese diplomat insulted our country, declaring the superiority of “Chinese-style democracy,” whatever that is.

Instead of defending our nation and rejecting the propaganda, Sec. Blinken conceded that America “acknowledges our imperfections.” There may be no bigger display of weakness than cowering to a Chinese propagandist on our own soil.

Biden has put forth a multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure plan, which only budgets 6% for actual infrastructure. These rest goes to fund socialist entitlement programs and political payoffs.

Americans are watching as gas prices skyrocket, schools remain closed, and our economy in many places struggles to recover.

America is, and can continue being, the greatest nation the world has ever known. However, if we continue down the uncompromising socialist path of the Biden-Harris administration, it will be impossible to recover.

President Donald J. Trump proved that the America First agenda works. We need to see it continued. It starts with taking back Congress in 2022 and electing warriors for the MAGA movement.

Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens is currently running for Missouri’s open U.S. Senate seat.

Source: Newmax

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