A modern-day confluence of former President Donald Trump’s America First/Make America Great Again doctrines and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s mid-90s Contract With America is being worked up for the 2022 midterm elections.

The playbook on the America First/MAGA Contract was discussed between the political powerhouses, along with former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., at Mar-a-Lago in recent weeks, sources told Politico.

The document, billed by the source as “a policy priority for 2022 and beyond,” will lay out the future for America on behalf of the Republican Party as it lays plans to regain majorities in both the House and Senate.

Trump’s hands-on approach to writing GOP plans for 2022 and beyond shows he has more than mere supporting interests in politics, potentially aiming at regaining Congress to set up an official 2024 run for reelection.

Trump plans to resume rallies this June and July and stump for MAGA-supporting House GOP primary candidates, before throwing his full political weight into endorsements for Republicans to overcome Democrats’ 10-seat edge in the House and the 50-50 dead heat in the Senate.

The crafting of the GOP plan is just beginning and should not be expected “anytime soon,” because “the world keeps changing and evolving,” Gingrich said, according to Politico.

“It should be positive,” Gingrich said of the plan. “School choice, teaching American history for real, abolishing the ‘1619 Project,’ eliminating critical race theory and what the Texas legislature is doing. We should say, ‘Bring it on.'”

Gingrich’s Contract With America in 1994 helped the GOP gain their first congressional majority in four decades, picking up 52 House seats and nine Senate seats in former President Bill Clinton’s first midterm.

Graham was a part of the crafting in 1994 when he first ran for the House and has long been a proponent of doctrine-crafting to unify the party in election years, according to Politico.

“Policy talks are still in their infancy and it’s premature to project exactly what this will look like, who all will be participating in the effort and when something may be released,” a Trump spokesperson told Politico.

Trump hailed his work in the past election, despite President Joe Biden rising to the White House, noting he helped close the gap on the House and even kept the Senate from fully turning back to blue.

“We didn’t lose one seat and the Senate we held,” Trump told Steve Cortes in an exclusive Newsmax sitdown on “Cortes & Pellegrino” Tuesday night. “If I weren’t involved in the Senate races — nobody ever says this — I believe it would be 60 to 40 right now, with the Democrats leading by 10 instead of 50-50.

“And Mitch McConnell lost two seats that he should have had,” Trump added, referring to the two Georgia Senate Jan. 5 runoff elections that flipped two GOP seats to Democrats.

Trump pointed to McConnell’s refusal to follow his White House advice to give working-class Americans $2,000 in a stimulus check in late December, instead of $600.

“Who can win a race like that?” Trump lamented. “He said, ‘you won’t get a penny more’ to the public. You won’t get a penny more. They’re voting.”

“He lost those two Senate seats,” Trump concluded.

Notably, McConnell, R-Ky., the Senate minority leader, was not included in the Mar-a-Lago meeting to craft the newest Republican Party doctrine.

Source: Newmax

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