Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is raising eyebrows on social media for her politicization of the surge of illegal immigrants at the border – which she admitted was a “crisis,” unlike the Biden administration – blaming it on “imperialism,” “climate,” and “white supremacy.”

Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made multiple visits to the southern border during the Trump administration, but the progressive firebrand now has been notably absent at the border and had been quiet until an Instagram Live video Tuesday, which is now circulating on social media.

During previous visits, she claimed migrants were forced to drink out of toilets – it was a sink above a toilet – shouting down border agents, and calling the detention centers for illegal immigrants “concentration camps.”

Those camps remain and are well beyond capacity amid the recent surge. 

“Well, we’re talking about it,” she says in the video. “They just don’t like how we’re talking about it, because it’s not a border crisis; it’s an imperialism crisis; it’s a climate crisis; it’s a trade criticism, and also it’s a carceral crisis.”

The latter term is referencing imprisonment, but she did not have pointed words for President Joe Biden like she did former President Donald Trump for detaining kids in cramped quarters.

Ocasio-Cortez also rebuked the term “surge,” which she spun into a reference to the root of the word insurgency – but multiple media members who have seen this border crisis noted “surge” references an increase in numbers of migrants at the border and is not to allege an insurrection.

“They want to say, ‘But what about the surge?’ Ocasio-Cortez said in the Instagram Live appearance, the New York Post reported. “Well, first of all, just — gut check: Stop. Anyone who’s using the term ‘surge’ around you, consciously, is trying to invoke a militaristic frame.

“And that’s a problem, because this is not a surge. These are children, and they are not insurgents, and we are not being invaded – which, by the way, is a white supremacist idea, philosophy: The idea that if another is coming in the population that this is an invasion of who we are.”

Townhall senior writer Julio Rosas, who is a former U.S. Marine, tweeted a rebuke of Ocasio-Cortez’s revisionist spin of border coverage:

“I’ve been using the term ‘surge’ because there’s a higher than usual amount of people illegally crossing into the U.S. I’ve seen it with my own eyes on a nightly basis for the past week.”

He added in an ensuing tweet:

“Yes, there are kids here, often by themselves. It’s emotionally taxing to see that night after night because God only knows what they’ve been through. Funny how AOC raced down to TX for the winter storm but she can’t be bothered to come down now to see what’s happening.”

Source: Newmax

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