CNN, which recently fired a contributor with a history of pro-Hitler tweets, claimed that Republicans opposed former President Barack Obama because of his race and turned to President Trump as a solution to their racial animus.

In an hour-long special on Sunday night — “A Radical Rebellion: The Transformation of the GOP” — Fareed Zakaria said that conservatives were already disillusioned after the failed Bush years and were sent into overdrive after President Obama’s election in 2008.

“It was, of course race – the issue Republicans had happily exploited – that would finally push the party to the edge. A black President in the White House triggered a dramatic response,” Zakaria said in the special, as reported by Newsbusters.

“The rise of the Tea Party movement was supposed to be a response to ObamaCare. But, in reality, it was mostly a response to Obama’s race,” Zakaria later added after showing videos of extremist protesters at Tea Party events.

“The base began not only to hate Obama,” argued Zakaria. “But to despise GOP leaders for being unable to stop him. They soured on the Bushes, on John McCain, on Mitt Romney, searching instead for someone who would embody their rage, and finally give them their revolution.”

According to Zakaria, Republicans flocked to President Trump in hopes that he would deliver them their needed revolution.

“This was the beginning of a calculated two-faced dance by Republican politicians — not voicing the conspiracies themselves, but embracing the conspiracy theories,” he said. “But now, ever since Donald Trump’s election, Republican officials have mostly dispensed with the denials and the condemnations of the crazies.”

Zakaria made this claim despite the fact that Democrats spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating the “Russian Collusion” conspiracy.

As the special closed, Zakaria then accused Republicans of the same sins that Democrats are likely guilty of, saying that they must come to grips with the modern world if they want to have a future.

“But Republican politicians are now riding the back of a tiger, and they can’t get off. Reagan, Gingrich, Trump – all the icons on the right whipped their followers up into a froth of hysteria, and promised that they will repeal and reverse most of these terrible trends,” he said. “But, of course, it never happens, which makes the Republican base grow more and more angry. And, as their sense of betrayal grows, so does their sense of desperation that American civilization is in great danger of collapse.”

“There is a great and honorable space in America for a party of limited and efficient government that values traditionalism, and that believes that social change should take place slowly and organically,” he continued. “But that’s different from a band of ideological warriors with apocalyptic visions that fear the End of Days, seeing opponents as traitors and devils, and believes that all methods are sanctioned in its battle to save civilization and itself. In short, the Republican party needs to have a political exorcism, drive out its demons, and come to terms with the modern world.”

The Sunday Night special aired the same day that CNN fired a contributor with a history of pro-Hitler tweets.

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Source: Dailywire

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