U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, who was Florida’s Republican governor for a single term before running for other offices, is seeking the state’s highest office once again — this time as a Democrat.

Crist released videos Tuesday leaving no doubt the campaign is on. One video contrasts Crist’ record as governor with that of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“That’s why I’m running for governor,” Crists says on the video.

Crist plans a tour of five cities in coming days.

U.S. Rep. Val Demings, Agricuture Commissionr Nikki Fried and former U.S. Gwen Graham are frequently mentioned as potential Democrat candidates. There may well be others.

Crist has some built-in advantages in terms of name recognition and a strong fund-raising network, said Aubrey Jewett, political science professor at the University of Central Florida.

“He certainly has a shot to win. I’m not sure he will,” Jewett said. “He has been around the block.”

Crist, 64, does have a political resume that’s hard to beat.

Crist served in the state Senate through the 1990s, then decided take on then-U.S. Sen. Bob Graham — one of Florida’s most popular politicians. Crist lost.

After that, he served as state education commissioner, then as Florida attorney general. He was elected 44th governor of Florida in 2006.

Next on the list was an unusual three-way race against U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio in 2010, in which Crist ran as independent. Rubio won re-election.

Then, after becoming a Democrat, Crist in 2014 ran for governor but lost to incumbent Gov. Rick Scott.

Crist was elected to the House in 2016 and has served three terms in the U.S. House.

In a recent interview, Crist said he has given this latest political foray a lot of thought.

“If you feel up to the task, and people are telling you it’s time, I want to do it,” Crist said.

Whoever wins the Democratic Party nomination for governor will take on DeSantis, who polls show remains popular in Florida. But Crist noted how often Florida statewide race are often settled by hundreds or even fewer votes.

“I really am an optimist. There are wins and losses in life,” Crist said “I think people deserve someone who has a servant’s heart.”

Source: Newmax

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