Since assuming office on January 20, President Joe Biden has been standing fecklessly at the helm as the country descends into chaos, seemingly experiencing crisis after crisis.

Whether it be the border crisis with unprecedented waves of illegal immigrants attempting to enter the country, an energy crisis exacerbated by the Democrats’ attitude toward “green” fuels, a stagnating economy with disastrous job numbers, or a resurgence in terrorist violence in the Middle East as Iran-backed terrorists fire rockets at Jews, the policies of the Biden administration have been at the forefront throughout.

However, while the world appears to fall apart around us, Joe Biden recently found time to attempt to play a relaxing game of golf, providing onlookers with footage of what should be reserved for acrobatic putt-putt golf games.

In isolation, the fact that Biden chose to waste a few hours playing golf in reverse is hardly a scandal. However, let’s note that the media’s coverage of Biden’s golf activity is muted at best, and even non-existent for some outlets, despite Biden’s leisure clashing with the ongoing crises under his watch.

Now, let’s remind ourselves how the legacy media covered Trump and his decision to play golf during similar — and arguably less significant — crises.

ABC – “Trump golfs in Florida as COVID relief hangs in the balance”

People Magazine – “Trump Golfs with Kid Rock in Florida Amid Impending Release of Mueller Report”

The New York Times – “Was Trump Golfing? White House Shrouds Time at His Clubs in Mystery”

Newsweek – “Trump Golfs, Tweets on Thanksgiving Eve, While Obama Fed Homeless Veterans”

ABC – “While Washington honors McCain, Trump golfs – and tweets”

And this, we should note, doesn’t even include CNN’s absolute obsession with Trump’s golfing schedule.

January 3, 2018 – “Donald Trump’s huge golf hypocrisy”

July 14, 2018 – “The Trumps are spending the weekend at the President’s Scottish golf resort as UK protests continue”

September 3, 2019 – “Why Donald Trump golfing during Hurricane Dorian is a problem”

May 25, 2020 – “Trump golfs at his Virginia club amid the coronavirus pandemic”

May 28, 2020 – “Trump golfs during pandemic despite many attacks on Obama for golfing during tragedies and disasters”

December 25, 2020 – “Trump feels no pressure to be President while Americans suffer at Christmas”

Of course, Joe Biden is not the only member of his administration — by the Left’s own standard — taking it easy as multiple crises continue to rage. For example, his Vice President, Kamala Harris, has also managed to avoid traveling to the border since being designated, as reported by POLITICO, “the White House’s point person on immigration issues at the nation’s southern border” on March 24.

During that period, Harris did find time for a virtual Passover celebration, cake at a Chicago bakery, and a flight home for Easter.

This article has been revised for clarity. 

Ian Haworth is an Editor and Writer for The Daily Wire. Follow him on Twitter at @ighaworth.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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Source: Dailywire

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