More than 120 retired U.S. military leaders have banded together and penned an open letter warning that the country is in “deep peril” as a conflict between Marxism and constitutional freedom brews.

The Epoch Times reports that the letter, released Tuesday by “Flag Officers 4 America,” is signed by 124 former admirals and generals. 

According to the group’s website, they are a group of  “retired military leaders who pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S. against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

They caution that the country is “in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776.”

The signatories point out what they consider the biggest threats to the country: the rise of China, the rejoining of the Iran nuclear deal, immigration, and the ending of the Keystone Pipeline project.

They also accuse the Biden administration of launching a “full-blown assault on our Constitutional rights in a dictatorial manner, bypassing the Congress, with more than 50 Executive Orders quickly signed, many reversing the previous Administration’s effective policies and regulations.”

The letter blasts “excessive lockdowns, school and business closures, and most alarming, censorship of written and verbal expression” amid the coronavirus pandemic as “direct assaults on our fundamental Rights.”

They also back the removal of Section 230, which shields Big Tech from legal liability. Former President Donald Trump pushed for the protection to be eliminated after he was banned from social media platforms. 

They also call on the FBI and Supreme Court to “act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020.”

“Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people’ our Constitutional Republic is lost,” they wrote.

The group also questions President Joe Biden’s mental capacity to hold the highest office in the land. 

“The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored. He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night,” the letter said. 

Their concerns over Biden’s health comes after the president’s personal doctor released a report in 2019 calling Biden a “healthy, vigorous 77-year-old” who is “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”

Several military experts blasted the letter, calling it an outright partisan attack, Politico reports. 

A Navy officer told Politico the letter was “disturbing and reckless.”

Jim Golby, an expert in civil-military relations, told Politico it was a “shameful effort to use their rank and the military’s reputation for such a gross and blatant partisan attack.”

The letter’s organizer, Maj. Gen. Joe Arbuckle, told the outlet that it isn’t typical for retired generals and admirals to engage in political actions.

“But the situation facing our nation today is dire. … We are facing threats greater than at any other time since our country was founded. To remain silent would be a dereliction of duty.”

Source: Newmax

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