Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Wednesday accused the Biden administration of rejecting him for a tour of the migrant facility in Donna, Texas. 

“Officials in Washington have directed that because of COVID, I shouldn’t be allowed into this facility,” Paxton told Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo, whose show aired from the border in Texas.

Meanwhile, Biden officials like Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been tasked with handling the border situation, has said one answer to slowing migration would be to send $310 million to the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to address the problem from the countries of origin. 

Instead, Paxton said that the money should be sent to the U.S. border states to help alleviate the crisis because if the money goes out of the country, it will end up in the hands of drug cartels. 

He also commented on a plan from the Biden administration to repeal a policy from former President Donald Trump that withheld grant money from sanctuary cities and states refusing to comply with federal deportation laws. 

“His job as president is to follow federal law,” said Paxton. “Basically, they are saying to us that they don’t like what Congress passed, that they are going to create their own rules about border security. Basically, (now) everybody is welcome. There is no more border security. There is no more immigration policy. They are going to do just what they want to do.”

In addition, the Department of Homeland Security is launching a new operation to combat trafficking and smugglers at the border, Baritromo noted, and Paxton agreed drug smuggling is a huge problem as the border is so porous. 

“It is a huge opportunity for them because they are making money on both sides of this,” said Paxton. “The Biden administration knows this. That is what is shocking. They are allowing, aiding really, aiding the cartels making these large sums of money and importing drugs.”

Trump, however, was working on a long-term plan for the border wall and used the remain in Mexico program to keep people in Mexico while seeking asylum.

That worked, he added, because most migrants didn’t qualify for asylum and that kept people from crossing the border illegally. 

The White House does not want President Joe Biden or Harris at the border because they don’t want the media to show the real situation there, Paxton also said.

“They don’t want the story out so they are not going to draw attention,” he said. “They don’t want state officials in the facilities because they don’t want us to know what is going on.”

He also called it “hypocritical” for Biden to remove Trump’s restrictions and put his state and other states at risk. 

“Here we are, we are trying to open our state, and they are creating a risk when these families come in,” said Paxton, adding that the rest of the country, not only Texas, is in danger. 

Source: Newmax

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