Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., on Sunday decried the lack of enforcement and crucial checks at the southern border for migrants — and their quick release into the United States.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Barrasso, who was part of a group of lawmakers who visited the border region, declared “the easiest way to get into the United States today is to do it illegally.”

“You don’t have to show proof of anything and they will allow you into the country. That’s the Biden policy,” he lamented.

Barrasso offered the example of a midnight patrol the lawmakers were allowed to witness.

“They will tell you their job got a lot harder when Joe Biden became president,” he said of Border Patrol agents. “Only one in three of them is on the ground trying to enforce the laws because two-thirds of them are involved in either providing day care or escorts to the migrants who are being shown by signs on the ground where to go to turn themselves in.”

“The Border Patrol talked to the transition team from the Biden administration before they came into office,” he continued. “They said, if you eliminate this program that worked that [former] President [Donald] Trump put in place, the Remain in Mexico program, we are going to have a massive humanitarian crisis at the border. The Biden administration ignored them and that’s what we have now — highest numbers of all times coming into the country illegally. 

“No identification, carrying who knows how many diseases, but certainly high percentage with coronavirus that they are then taking all across the country.”

He added that what he witnessed was “the highest in history” of unaccompanied minors.

“They have crammed in like sardines and this is what the Biden administration is trying to hide from the American public which is why we took video and the Biden administration tried to stop us,” he said. “You put so many people in captivity in this sort of way and 10% are testing positive for coronavirus, Joe Biden is turning into this super spreader of coronavirus in our country.”

Source: Newmax

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