The conservative opposition group that infiltrated a House Zoom training for congressional staffers in late March and released videos of the internal discussions about the public’s perception of earmarks tells Fox News its intent is to “take a big handful of sand and throw it in the gears of the Biden administration.

“I see the group right now as getting up every morning and with the goal of making it as difficult as possible for the Biden administration and their allies on the Hill to implement their agenda,” Tom Jones, founder of the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), told the news outlet in an interview published Tuesday.

The AAF gained access to the private training from a House lawmaker and then pressed House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Rose DeLauro, D-Conn., on hypothetical situations about the controversial practice of earmarks while posing as congressional aides. The group recorded the trainings and posted them online.

“I’m never doing anything illegal but just because it’s impolite to log into an earmark training seminar and offend the morals of Capitol Hill staff, that’s not going to stop me from doing it,” Jones told Fox News. “If I’ve got to trail someone on the ground to find out what they’re doing, I’m totally going to do it, because people who are making decisions need to have this information, they need to understand who they are trusting with the reins of government and sometimes that means we will use unorthodox methods to get the information we need.”

The group also recently provided transcripts to Fox showing that President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Kristen Clarke, organized the Race-ing Justice Conference in 1999 that was used as a tool by the radical anti-government activists to champion cop-killers and free violent criminals.

The tactics, said Jones, aren’t new to the left.

“The left is very, very well organized on this, very well resourced and has been effective for a number of years,” he said. “They were very effective making life difficult for Trump nominees, and they’ve taken that infrastructure and transferred it into bolstering their nominees, but yeah we’ve certainly learned from them and seen their effort was effective from a professional sense — terrible for the country, but as a practical matter, professionally they do their job well.”

Jones said his group’s focus is on Biden appointees who are just below Cabinet position.

“That second tier are really the folks who are going to do the day-to-day work implementing the agenda,” he explained. “It’s obviously severely problematic if there’s a radical leftist running an agency, but it’s also really problematic if their deputy has worked on leftist issues in the past and is out of step and has deep roots within the progressive movement and is going to implement an agenda out of touch with what the American people care about.”

Source: Newmax

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