Congressman Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, is telling Fox News’ “Fox & Friends that his left retina has been saved by what he’s calling a “surgical miracle.”

“I’m doing OK, you know, this was a bit unexpected,” he said, according to Fox.

He said people “see me in public and they see that I’ve obviously got the patch over the right eye. But what a lot of people don’t realize is that the left eye was badly, badly damaged in that blast. And I’ve gone through many surgeries to get it back to some sense of normalcy. I use a very specific one-of-a-kind lens to get peripheral vision on my left eye. And there was always a chance that something was going to happen again.”

The lawmaker, a Republican from Texas and onetime Navy SEAL, went on to say that “the surgeons are worried this retina would keep falling apart. And it just turned out that years of scar tissue buildup had eventually started to detach it. And, you know, a few weeks ago, I just noticed my vision closing in, went to see a doc and they said you need emergency surgery to put the retina back.

So the way I describe my vision right now, I would say put on a dive mask, cover up the right side, of course, and then fill the left side of it with sort of a bubble bath solution and then rub the outer lens with Vaseline so I can kind of see — I can kind of get around. But that’s what it looks like as that bubble dissipates.”

Source: Newmax

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