More than half of eligible Latinos voted in the 2020 election, a historic number, according to a study from City University of New York, The Hill reported.

The study also found that 1 in 10 voters (10.2 percent) who cast ballots in the 2020 election were Latino, up from 9.2 percent in 2016.

The number of Latino voters casting ballots during a presidential election cycle had never surpassed the 50 percent threshold until 2020, when 53.7 percent of eligible Latinos voted, up from 47.3 percent in 2016.

Roughly 18.7 million Latinos voted in the 2020 election, a significant increase from the 15.3 million that cast ballots in 2016.

Latino egistrations to vote are also on the rise.

The 2020 election saw a historic rise in Latino voter registration, increasing to 61.1 percent of eligible Latino citizens, an all-time high, compared with 57.3 percent in 2016.

The study found that Latino voter turnout also reached a historic high: Nearly 88 percent of registered Latinos cast ballots, up from 83.1 percent in 2016.

Although participation rates increased among Latino voters, the group’s voting rate still lagged those of non-Hispanic whites at 70.9 percent, African Americans at 62.6 percent and Asians at 59.7 percent, The Hill reported.

Exit polls taken days after the 2020 election showed that former President Donald Trump made inroads among some Latino voters, even as President Joe Biden claimed a strong majority in key states.

The polls found that Biden received 66 percent of the Latino vote, about the same as Hillary Clinton did in 2016, according to The Hill.

Trump, however, received 32 percent of the Latino vote, up four points from his performance in 2016. Additionally, Trump’s performance among Latinos was the highest share any Republican had won since George W. Bush won reelection in 2004.

Source: Newmax

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