U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield rebuking the Constitution as having underpinnings of “white supremacy” is “reprehensible” and “disqualifying” for an American diplomat to hold anti-American sentiment, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“America is a noble place,” Pompeo told Sunday’s “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM-N.Y. “I heard our ambassador to the United Nations this week talk about our founding as fundamentally corrupt and flawed and not noble and good. I couldn’t disagree more.”

Pompeo was responding to Thomas-Greenfield saying, “the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents.”

“Quite frankly, I think it’s disqualifying to have a UN ambassador who expresses a moral relativism and doesn’t understand the exceptional nature of the country in which we all live,” Pompeo told host John Catsimatidis.

American exceptionalism is not a racist, nationalist, nor “not a partisan issue” either, Pompeo noted, particularly as masses of migrants rush to come to America.

“You see people wanting to immigrate here,” he said. “You see people attracted to this shining city on the hill. To have our American ambassador to the United Nations denigrate the founding principles of the United States and America the way that she did this week is truly reprehensible, and, in my view, if she truly believes that, she ought to resign and allow someone who believes in the greatness of America to take her place.”

Tarnishing the image of America should be rejected, particularly as our enemies are attempting to push that narrative, Pompeo continued.

“The greatest threat over time to the United States of America remains the control of the authoritarian Marxists in China, the Chinese Communist Party,” Pompeo said. “It impacts us in so many ways. They are engaged in an information campaign against us here at home. They’re trying to undermine our democracy.”

Feeding an anti-American narrative plays into the hands of Chinese President Xi Jinping, he continued.

“They’ve got a big old military,” Pompeo said. “Maybe most importantly, they have a leader, Xi Jinping, who desires to be a global power and undermine the West, and have us all living in a world that looks more like China than the United States that we know and love.”

Anti-American sentiment can destroy the U.S. from within, as China attempts to do the same around the world, Pompeo concluded.

“We’ve seen the predation they’ve engaged in around the world,” he said. “We know they are desirous of creating even more colonies. And we’ve seen how they invade our telecommunications infrastructure. And then unleash a virus on the world and cover it up.

“It’s not the case that what goes on in China stays in China. The things that the Chinese Communist Party does impacts us here at home as well.”

Source: Newmax

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