Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., told Newsmax TV on Monday that President Joe Biden’s administration and his immigration policies are “100% the reason” for the current surge in crossings at the Southern border.

Steube told “John Bachman Now” that he agrees with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., that the Biden administration and its policies have caused the number of people crossing the border to spike.

“It’s 100% the reason we’re seeing this and these numbers, they’re so troubling that if this trend continues, which I think it will while Biden’s in office, we will surpass all three past years combined on the amount of illegal immigrants that are crossing the border and being apprehended.”

He said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement and border security have been “overwhelmed,” adding, “Lord only knows how many people are getting through and not being apprehended. And it’s absolutely, it has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the Biden administration’s policy. When you say that in 100 days you’re going to give amnesty to everybody that’s illegally here in the United States, what do you think is gonna happen? Absolutely people are gonna be coming in droves to the border because they want to be here for that opportunity when Biden waves his magic pen and suddenly they’re legal citizens of our country.”

Steube added, “So, absolutely when you make statements like that, when you’re refusing to continue the border wall, when you’re refusing to deport people, when you’re refusing to deport criminals, absolutely you’re going to see a flood of migrants at the border. Because they’re viewing this as their opportunity to come, you know, no deportations for 100 days where they’re still in the first 100 days. They see that as a window closing, of course they’re going to come here.”

The congressman later said, “you’re absolutely going to see an influx of individuals that once they get through the border and process because they’re going back to catch and release in, and I think the statistic is 96% of individuals don’t show up for their hearing … Instead of deporting these individuals, they’re gonna make their way to Florida for various reasons. We have a large migrant population here, and they’re going to continue to come here from Texas, through Louisiana and down. So, it doesn’t just affect Texas.”

Steube went on to say that “Obviously the border states are feeling the impact as these individuals are coming coming through, and I commend the governor of Texas for taking matters into his own hand because the Biden administration is violating federal law and I’m very happy to see attorney generals like our attorney general here in Florida that are filing lawsuits that hopefully will make their waste into the U.S. Supreme Court that will say you can’t ignore federal law. Biden administration, you have to enforce federal law until Congress changes that law … so hopefully these cases will make their way to the Supreme Court to stop this inflow of illegal immigration into our country because it violates our laws.”

Source: Newmax

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